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6 posts tagged with "Salesforce"

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· 4 min read

Itaú Social is one of the largest organizations in Brazil dedicated to improving Brazilian public education. The foundation manages programs to train education professionals, strengthen civil society, offer online education to students, and conduct search in the education sector. Itaú Social has trained 112,000 professionals and benefited 7.6 million students across Brazil, according to Itaú's 2021 integrated annual report.

· 3 min read

Nal’ibali is on a mission to change education across South Africa through its reading-for-enjoyment initiative, which promotes reading and writing in mother tongue languages. To effectively monitor program activities and children reached across the country, Nal’ibali needed to integrate multiple data platforms.

· 2 min read

In 2017, x-runner implemented OpenFn to connect its existing systems and sync data in real-time to more effectively manage and monitor waste collection activities. With this integrated service system, X-runner can deliver high quality customer service and technical assistance to their customers, with no time lag.

· 3 min read

OpenFn is helping small-scale farmers break the cycle of poverty with an automated savings & supply chain system. Small-scale farmers are feeding the world, but a majority of them are in an endless cycle of poverty and lack access to traditional banks and financing. In this post, we highlight our partner myAgro, an organization leveraging OpenFn automation to help scale its programs towards its goal of serving 1 million farmers in 2025.