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· 7 min read

Digital global goods are adaptable, interoperable, open source software or content designed to meet the data and management needs of country health systems. Incredible software tools like CommCare, a mobile data collection and service delivery platform, dhis2, a health management information system (HMIS) used in over 40 countries, and OpenLMIS, a popular logistics system, are digital global goods. OpenFn is proud to now be officially joining them on this list.

· 4 min read

Over the past 12 months, OpenFn and UNICEF Cambodia have worked together to enhance interoperability for the critical software tools Cambodian agencies rely on to protect and respond to the needs of vulnerable children and women. Key outcomes achieved so far via this partnership include the implementation of a secure OpenFn project space with the automated data sharing workflows required to allow for the Cambodian government and their partner NGO caseworkers to communicate with one another seamlessly.

· 3 min read

Nal’ibali is on a mission to change education across South Africa through its reading-for-enjoyment initiative, which promotes reading and writing in mother tongue languages. To effectively monitor program activities and children reached across the country, Nal’ibali needed to integrate multiple data platforms.

· 2 min read

In 2017, x-runner implemented OpenFn to connect its existing systems and sync data in real-time to more effectively manage and monitor waste collection activities. With this integrated service system, X-runner can deliver high quality customer service and technical assistance to their customers, with no time lag.