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Moving from Webpack to esbuild on Phoenix

· 7 min read

We're very happy users of Elixir and Phoenix at OpenFn, given that we've been using it continuously for about 6 years - upgrades and all. Our front-end toolchain, albeit far from out of date (Webpack 5.52.1 today) has left some room for improvement.

This is a post written on what we call 'Slow Fridays', where we explore and think about stuff we're curious about. The deal is some artifact at the end of the day. So while this post is not complete - I believe part two is warranted.

Phoenix 1.6 started to include esbuild by default. The main reasons cited were the amount of support the team had to continuously give for a toolchain that although necessary is not under the control of the framework teams control.

Back in the day, Phoenix used brunch to do front end builds - despite not being the most common bundler at the time. The objective I assume was to provide something that is easy to get going with and lowers the barrier to entry for Phoenix. We actually switched brunch out for webpack before webpack got into Phoenix in order to more easily use new libraries and newer ES syntax.

It wasn't without its challenges, and still is. Webpack is wonderfully powerful - but it does do a lot, and it's really easy to stumble onto plugins that are either order dependent or mutually exclusive.

So what's this about esbuild

It's a bundler/compiler for JS/TS projects that is written in Go, along with being faster by the simple fact it's natively compiled it also leverages concurrency. To compare why esbuild is faster than NodeJS on face value is unfair in my opinion. Although having similar objectives, they are wildly different in implementation and in features.

So speed is the big selling point. But thinking back to other bundlers, what made us switch (thinking of gulp, grunt, mixing in babel, browserify etc). Those changes were never about speed, at least a drop in build time was nice - a bit of caching goes a long way. The changes were about being able to use the syntax and libraries we wanted with as little fuss as possible.

Webpack can do almost anything. I'm not convinced esbuild can match that, and as an open-source maintainer I'd argue it shouldn't break its original goals to match Webpack.

Exploring the caveats

I started breaking down what our current bundle setup actually does, after all if we were just bundling plain JS I'd probably be using rollup and terser. Going through our webpack.config.js file I can see that it:

  • Conditionally provide sourcemaps depending on the environment.
  • Uses babel to parse js/jsx files
    At the same time cherry picks lodash imports*.
  • Parse imports for .css files through style-loader and css-loader
    Injecting the styles onto the dom.
  • Detect require statements to images, copy them to an assets folder
    and replace the statement with a url to image.
  • Can watch files (excluding node_modules) in development.
  • Splits files that come from node_modules into a vendor.js bundle.

That's a lot more than just building something, there's some implicit behaviour here.

  • The interaction between style-loader and css-loader results in extra functions and behaviour being introduced, it's not producing a .css file.

    I'm personally not a big fan of apps injecting styles, but I think I get why people do it. Maybe I'm old-school and like to have my stylesheets delivered in a few files (or even one).

  • The splitting doesn't know about app.js, it puts everything that resolves to node_modules in vendor.js. Subtle but worth pointing out.
*Could probably ignore this and refactor some files and check that tree-shaking is working properly.

What we need esbuild to provide

Like I mentioned before, webpack is super versatile and it would be short-sighted to get esbuild to do everything it does.

So I'm approaching this with the idea that I code will need some changes, the less the better - I've always firmly believed the kinds of restrictions smaller tools provide can make things neater and more portable.

  • Provide source maps
    Supported out of the box. docs
  • Watching files
    Yup. docs
  • 🆗 Build our css (and vendored css)
    Compiling CSS is supported, however it doesn't (as far as I can tell) doesn't replace style-loader and how it injects CSS into the DOM.
  • Copy image assets referenced in JS
    Indeed it can, using the file loader. docs
  • Can split our files
    I picked a confusing green checkbox to illustrate that while esbuild does support file splitting - it appears to have some caveats, primarily that it only works with esm output files. We don't ship ES Modules to the browser, but seems like a good moment to try given the primary targets for our web front end getting module support in 2019 2.

Giving it a go

I've tried to go over the process as methodically as possible, after all this isn't a new codebase nor am I alone on this. It's always important to understand who's going to be working with this, and respect the varying skill sets and focuses of our peers.

So we know what we want, but can any of this work? Let's give it a go with the simplest of steps:

./node_modules/.bin/esbuild js/app.js --bundle --outfile=out.js                                    
> js/app.js:58:2: error: Unexpected "<"
58 │ <React.StrictMode>
╵ ^

1 error

Bang! Right, that one makes sense to me, it doesn't know what JSX is yet. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it won't know about the CSS or our referenced images.

./node_modules/.bin/esbuild js/app.js \
--loader:.js=jsx \
--loader:.png=file \
--loader:.jpg=file \
--loader:.jpeg=file \
--bundle \
> js/marketing/ProductsList.js:53:40: error: Unexpected ":"
53 │ const displayList = products.filter(::this.includesText);
╵ ^

> js/marketing/Banner.js:13:4: warning: Duplicate key "background" in object literal
13 │ background: `-webkit-linear-gradient(to left, ${theme.palette.banner.right}, ${theme.palette.banner.left})`,
╵ ~~~~~~~~~~

Nice! Two things worth mentioning here:

  1. We're using some non-standard ES syntax here: ::, let's replace that with the equivalent includesText.bind(this).
  2. Some duplicate keys in our theme objects, looks like a warning but worth cleaning up.
./node_modules/.bin/esbuild js/app.js \
--loader:.js=jsx \
--loader:.png=file \
--loader:.jpg=file \
--loader:.jpeg=file \
--bundle \

out/app.js 8.0mb ⚠️
out/commcare-dhis2-JKJLM3MQ.png 471.0kb
out/app.css 85.1kb
...and 145 more output files...

⚡ Done in 651ms

Jeepers! 651ms! That's nuts.

We can see it's copied our images and css into the build folder. Note that we're not doing any bundle splitting right now and from the looks of it

... \ 
> --minify

out/app.js 3.4mb ⚠️
⚡ Done in 611ms

That's better, wow. It's kinda difficult to not be amazed. For context, a minified and split production build takes about 34s with webpack and that's on my i7 desktop machine, and 197s (3+ mins) on CI/CD.

What's next?

So our 'can we actually do this' seems to have gone pretty well so far. I'm really excited about what this will give us in the end.

But a shell command doth not a replacement for webpack make. We still need to:

  1. Get Phoenix to use esbuild and watch our files as we work.
  2. Ensure that our html templates serve the correct files in dev & production.
    Including our CSS that is no longer injected into the DOM.
  3. Split at least our vendored modules into their own bundle.
  4. Make sure sourcemaps generate correctly for when we upload them to Sentry.
  5. Have some kind of cache-busting naming scheme for production builds.
