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Version: v1.105

Using multiple operations

You can do many things in sequence with OpenFn, whether using core, microservice, or platform.

Flow jobs vs multiple operations in a single job vs posting back to the inbox

Reasons to use flow jobs

  • Each operation needs to use functions that are only available in different adaptors.
  • You must have different credentials for each operation
  • You want to see success and failure at the level of each operation
  • Each individual run takes a long time and you're worried about your NodeVM being timed out. (On platform, this happens after 100s for non-enterprise users; on microservice you've likely configured your own timeout duration.)

Reasons to use multiple operations in a single job

  • The job must be atomic, you want the whole thing to count as a failure if any part of it fails.
  • You run jobs manually and you want a single button to click to retry the entire sequence of operations.
  • You update a cursor in a series of operations that involve GET and POST. When the POST fails, you don't want to update the cursor for the subsequent job run which contains the GET.
  • Your operations don't take too long (<100s in total for platform) and you want to reduce the number of executions.

Reasons to post back to the inbox

You might decide to send data from a GET back to your inbox and let another job be triggered by a message filter.

get('somePath', { query: { after: '2020-10-12' } }, post('my-inbox-uuid'));
  • You'd like to store the result of the first operation for later use or inspection and not have to retry that operation in order to reproduce the data.
  • You don't care about small delays between the first and second job being run.