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Version: v2 ⚡

CLI Challenges

Solve real-world problems and showcase your command-line skills by participating in our CLI challenges

Important Notes
  • A developer with a bit of Javascript experience should be able to write, run, and debug complex, multi-step jobs with OpenFn, using nothing but a text editor and their terminal.

  • If you are stuck and need help, please post in

    Expand to see bug report template
    Subject: Bug Report - [Brief Description]

    **Description:** [Concise description of the bug.]

    **Steps to Reproduce:**



    - OS: [e.g., Windows 10]
    - CLI: [e.g., v0.4.11]
    - Node: [e.g., v 18.17.1]
    - NPM: [e.g., 8.19.2]

    **Attachments:** [Screenshots, error messages, or relevant files.]

🏆 Create personalized greeting


Create a new hello.js job to display a personalized greeting with your name.


Compose a OpenFn job using common adaptor that outputs a greeting message containing your name.


  1. Install the latest version of common adaptor.

    openfn repo install @openfn/language-common


  1. Create a new file named hello.js.
  2. Write a JavaScript script in hello.js to generate a greeting with your name.
  3. Run the job using the command openfn hello.js -a common -o tmp/output.json.
  4. Confirm the successful execution.

Review Checklist:

  • Successfully created a new file hello.js.
  • Wrote a JavaScript script in hello.js for a personalized greeting.
  • Executed the job using the provided command.
  • Verified the correct logs in the CLI output.

🏆 Fetch and inspect data via HTTP


Write a job to fetch user data from the JSONPlaceholder API using OpenFn http adaptor.


Fetch and print the details of the first user from the JSONPlaceholder API.


  1. Install the latest version of http adaptor.
openfn repo install @openfn/language-http
  1. Utilize the JSONPlaceholder API.
  2. Create a file named getUsers.js to contain the script.


  1. Create a file (getUsers.js) to house the script.
  2. Fetch a list of users from the JSONPlaceholder API.
  3. Print the details of the first user.
  4. Run the job using OpenFn/cli: openfn getUsers.js -a http -o tmp/output.json.
  5. Validate the expected CLI logs.

Review Checklist:

  • Successful retrieval of user data.
  • Correct printing of the first user's details.
  • Proper use of the OpenFn http adaptor functions.
  • Verified the correct logs in the CLI output.

🏆 Retrieve Covid-19 metadata


Fetch and present COVID-19 metadata using The Atlantic's COVID Tracking Project API.


Write a job that retrieves COVID-19 data from the API and calculate some aggregate values across a length of time of your chosing.


  1. Install the latest version of http adaptor.
openfn repo install @openfn/language-http


  1. Write an OpenFn operation to pull COVID-19 metadata from the The Atlantic's COVID Tracking Project API.
    • Utilize as your baseUrl in state.configuration.
  2. Run the job using the OpenFn CLI with the command openfn your_operation_file.js -a http -o tmp/output.json.
  3. Evaluate the output and explore different ways to format or present the COVID-19 data by region.

Review Checklist:

  • Successfully created an OpenFn operation file.
  • Implemented code to retrieve COVID-19 metadata from the provided API.
  • Executed the job using the provided CLI command.
  • Explored various formatting or display options for the obtained data.

Feel free to experiment with the data presentation to enhance your understanding. Good luck! 🌐🦠

🏆 Extract names & emails


In this challenge, you will use the JSONPlaceholder API to fetch comments for a specific post (post ID 1). Your task is to extract the "name" and "email" fields from each comment and log the extracted data.


Write a job that retrieves comments for post ID 1, extracts the "name" and "email" fields from each comment, and logs the extracted data.


  • Basic knowledge of JavaScript.
  • OpenFn CLI installed on your machine.


  1. Get Post Comments:

  2. Extract Name and Email:

    • Write a function to extract the "name" and "email" fields from each comment.
  3. Log Extracted Data:

    • Log the extracted data (name and email) from each comment to the console.

Review Checklist:

  • Successfully fetched comments for post ID 1.
  • Implemented a function to extract "name" and "email" from comments.
  • Logged the extracted data to the console.

🏆 Control error messages

Debug what is causing an error on the following line of code and display the error message

// Get post where id is 180

🏆 Data transformation and cleaning


In this challenge, you will use JavaScript global array methods, specifically Array.reduce, Array.filter, or, to create a series of operations that fetch and filter posts by user ID.


Write a job that retrieves posts by a specified user ID 1


  1. Utilize JSONPlaceholder API
  2. Install the latest version of http adaptor.
openfn repo install @openfn/language-http


  1. Create File:

    • Create a file named getPosts.js for your job.
  2. Get All Posts:

    • Add the first operation to fetch all posts. Use the provided API or any other source of your choice that provides a list of posts.
  3. Filter Posts by ID:

    • Add a second operation with a function that filters posts by user ID. You can use Array.filter or any other suitable method for this task.
  4. Fetch Posts for User ID 1:

    • Use the function from the second operation to filter posts for user ID 1.

Review Checklist:

  • Created getPosts.js file.
  • Successfully fetched all posts.
  • Implemented a function to filter posts by user ID.
  • Retrieved posts for user ID 1.