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Version: v2 ⚡

Job Writing Guide

Workflow automation and data integration in OpenFn is realised through the creation of Jobs.

This guide will walk you through key concepts and best practices for job writing. It is suitable for new coders and experienced JavaScript programmers. In fact, even if you're an experienced JavaScript Developer, there a number of key patterns in the OpenFn ecosystem which it is important to learn.

A Job is a bunch of JavaScript code which performs a particular task, like fetching data from Salesforce or converting some JSON data to FHIR standard.

Each job uses exactly one Adaptor (often called a "connector") to perform its task. The Adaptor provides a collection of helper functions (Operations) which makes it easy to communicate with a data source.

This guide applies equally to writing Jobs on the app (Lightning) or through the CLI.


Multiple jobs can be chained together in a Workflow. A common pattern is to use one job to fetch data from datasource A, one job to convert or transform that data to be compatible with datasource B, and a third job to upload the transformed data to datasource B.

To learn more about workflow design and implementation, see Build & Manage Workflows

Operations and State

Every job is a data transformation pipeline.

It takes some input (a JavaScript object we call State) and executes a set of Operations (or functions), which transform that state in series (ie, one after the other). The final state object is returned as the output of the pipeline.

Job Pipeline

Operations are provided by an Adaptor (connector). Each adaptor exports a list of functions designed to interact with a particular data source - for example, take a look at the dhis2 and salesforce adaptors.

Everything you can achieve in OpenFn can be achieve with existing JavaScript libraries or calls to REST APIs. The value of Adaptors is that they provide functions to make this stuff easier: taking care of authorisation, providing cleaner syntax, and hiding away implementation details for you.

For example, here's how we issue a GET request with the http adaptor:


The first argument to get is the path to request from (the configuration will tell the adaptor what base url to use). In this case we're passing a static string, but we can also pass a value from state:

get(state => state.endpoint);
Why the arrow function?
If you've got some JavaScript experience, you'll notice The example above uses an arrow function to retrieve the endpoint key from state.

But why not just do this?


Well, the problem is that the state value must be resolved lazily (ie, just before the get actually runs). Because of how Javascript works, if we just inline the value it might read before state.endpoint has been actually been assigned.

For more details, jump ahead to Reading State Lazily

Your job code should only contain Operations at the top level/scope - you should NOT include any other JavaScript statements. We'll talk about this more in a minute.

Callbacks and fn()

Many Operations give you access to a callback function.

Callbacks will be invoked with state, will run whatever code you like, and must return the next state. Usually your callback will be invoked as the very last step in an operation.

This is useful for intercepting and manipulating the return value of a given operation.

What is a callback?
A callback is a common pattern in JavaScript.

It's kind of hard to understand in the abstract: a callback is a function which you pass into some other function, to be invoked by that function at a particular time.

It's best explained with an example. All JavaScript arrays have a function called map, which takes a single callback argument. will iterate over every item in the array, invoke your callback function with it, save the result to a new array, and when it's finished, it will return that array.

const array = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
const result = => {
return item.toUpperCase();
console.log(array); // ['a', 'b', 'c'];
console.log(result); // ['A', 'B', 'C'];

Because functions are data in JavaScript, we can we-write that code like this (which might be a bit more readable)

const array = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
const upperCase = item => {
return item.toUpperCase();
const result =;
console.log(array); // ['a', 'b', 'c'];
console.log(result); // ['A', 'B', 'C'];

The fn() function, for example, ONLY allows you define a callback. This is useful for running arbitrary code - if you want to drop down to raw JavaScript mode, this is how you do it:

fn(state => {
// declare a help function
const convertToFhir = item => {
/* ... */

// Map data into a new format with native Javascript functions
state.transformed =;

// Always return the state
return state;

Many other operations provide a callback argument, in which case, your callback will be invoked with state, and most return the final state as a result of the operation.

For example, say you fetch some data from a data source and get back a block of JSON. Maybe you want to filter this data before passing it to the next operation.

You might naively try something like this - but it won't work!

get('/data'); // writes to =* ... */); // This is invalid!

You could use another operation, like fn or each - and often these work great!

fn(state => { =* ... */);
return state;

But you can also use a callback function, which is usually a bit neater:

get('/data', {}, state => { =* ... */);
return state;

Whatever your callback returns will be used as the input state for the next operation (or will be the final state for the job). So remember to ALWAYS return state!

Be mindful that some Adaptors will write internal information to state. So you should usually return { ... state } rather than return { data: }.


Remember! Always return state from a callback.

Operations run at the top level

Operations will only work when they are at the top level of your job code, like this:

each('$.data.patients[*]', (item, index) => { = `item-${index}`;
post('/patients', dataValue('patients'));

OpenFn will call your operations in series during workflow execution, ensuring the correct state is fed into each one.

If you try to nest an operation inside the callback of another operation, you'll quickly run into trouble:

get('/patients', { headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' } }, state => {
// This will fail because it is nested in a callback
each('$.data.patients[*]', (item, index) => { = `item-${index}`;
post('/patients', dataValue('patients'));

This is because an operation is actually a "factory" style function - when executed, it returns a new function. That new function must be invoked with state, and will return state.

What is a factory function?
Factory functions are quite a hard pattern to understand. Like many programming concepts, it makes more sense after some hands-on experience.

Luckily, you don't need to deeply understand the pattern to understand OpenFn.

Simply put, a factory function doesn't really do anything. It simply returns a function to do something.

Factory functions are useful for deferred execution (declaring behaviour NOW to run LATER), lazy loading (fetching data from a server at the last moment, just before you need it), constructor functions (for instantiating classes into objects), and scope binding (for trapping local variables in a scope and re-using them later).

They're used in OpenFn for deferred execution. Our runtime converts each factory into an actual function, saves all the functions into an array, and calls them sequentially, passing in the latest state object to each one.

The OpenFn runtime knows how to handle an operation at the top scope, it can run it as part of the pipeline and handle state appropriately. But it does not know how to deal with a nested operation like this.

You should actually never need to nest an operation anyway. Just bring it to the top level and lean in to the pipeline idea. But if you ever find yourself in a situation where you absolutely need to use a nested operation, you should pass state into it directly, like this:

get('/patients', { headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' } }, state => {
each('$.data.patients[*]', (item, index) => { = `item-${index}`;
})(state); // Immediately invoke the Operation and pass state into it. This is naughty!
post('/patients', dataValue('patients'));

To be clear, this is considered an anti-pattern and should not be used except in emergencies.

Reading state lazily

A common problem in OpenFn coding is getting hold of the right state value at the right time.

Consider this code:


What it's trying to do is call the GET method on some REST service, save the result to, and then pass that value into a post call to send it somewhere else.

Can you see the problem?

The value of in the post call will resolve to undefined and so the post will fail.

This is because Operations are factory functions. They declare behaviour to be executed later, and provide parameters to calibrate that behaviour. But they don't actually go off and do the work immediately.

Those parameters will be resolved to values when the module loads (load-time), before any code has run (run-time), and before has been assigned a value.

More details about job execution and parameter resolution
Let's try to explain a bit more about what's happening.

When your job runs, it will be evaluated in a Javascript engine and follow the usual rules of Javsacript. That is to say: each statement will be executed in sequence (forget about asynchronous functions for a moment!).

The first statement, get('/some-data), calls OpenFn's get function and passes it a string. get then returns another function which will be executed later.

The second statement, post('/some-other-data', does something similar. It calls the post function, passing in a string and whatever sits on, and returns a function to be executed later. But the two arguments have already been resolved to values.

Calling an operation is a bit like declaring a contract: you specify what you want to happen, and in what order, and what the terms of the contact are. Then OpenFn will go off and fulfill the terms of that contract for you.

The problem is that when you specify the terms of the contract, you don't have all the values to hand. We don't know what is yet. So we need to say "WHEN you run this function, check the value of, and use whatever it says.

The "when you run" this function bit is key: how do we ensure that the value of is resolved at the right time? JavaScript itself isn't smart enough to do that - it'll just return the value when we read it (and remember, we read it at load-time, not at run-time).

There are two good JavaScript-y solutions to the problem:

  1. Pass a string which represents a path on state, and resolve that path inside the actual post function when it runs.
  2. Pass a function (or a Promise) which returns some value form state, and call that function inside the actual post function when it runs.

Mostly our adaptors support the second pattern. In fact, if you look in some of our adaptor source code, you'll see that the first thing we do is to "expand references" - that means look at the arguments, see if any of them are functions (or contain) functions, and "expand" them by calling the functions and saving out the values.

This whole Lazy State discussion is about defining a bunch of behaviours NOW, but reading data values LATER.

In other words, by the time the post operation is created and we read from, all we've done is create the get function - we haven't actually run it.

What we need to do is defer the evaluation of until the get function has finished and the post operation actually runs.

There are a few ways we can do that (including the new Lazy State operator, see below). Some jobs use dataValue, which is neat if a bit verbose (there are many examples in this guide), and some operations support JSON path strings. The preferred way in modern OpenFn is to use an inline-function:

post('/some-other-data', (state) =>;

This passes a function into the post operator, instead of a value

When the post() call actually executes, the first thing it'll do is resolve any function into arguments into values. It does this by calling the function, passing in the latest state, and using the return as the value.

These lazy functions are incredibly powerful. Using them effectively is the key to writing good OpenFn jobs.

The Lazy State Operator

Experimental Feature

The Lazy State operator is new to OpenFn as of April 2024. It is still considered an experimental feature. But it works great, and we encourage you to use it!

If you've got any feedback, issues or suggestions around the Lazy State Operator, we'd love to hear from you on Community! Or you can raise an issue on GitHub.

The Lazy State Operator is a shorthand syntax that makes it easier to read state when passing data into an operation.

Instead of writing to access something on state, you can use $, like this:


The $ ensures that the value passed to the operation will be resolved at the correct time. Think of it like passing a path to some part of state, rather than passing the value of that path.

What's nice about this is that you can basically ignore the previous chapter entirely and not think too much about state evaluation. Just read from $ like your state object and the OpenFn runtime will resolve the value correctly at run-time.

The $ symbol is really just syntactic sugar for (state) => state (in most cases, we just do a string replace when compiling your code). These two statements behave in exactly the same way:

get((state) =>;

We call it "lazy state" because the reference will be resolved by the runtime engine immediately before its used. This bypasses a lot of the asynchronicity problems of Javascript which are discussed in Reading State Lazily

$ Only works within Operations

$ only works when used inside an expression that's passed to an operation. In other words, you can only use it when you could write (state) => state instead (like the example above).

Usage Examples

The following short code snippets show some examples of how the Lazy State Operator can be used. Each example can be re-written without $, but with it the syntax is shorter, more readable and more expressive.

Basic usage is simply to pass state into an operation:

upsert('patient', $.data.patients[0]);

You can use it inside an object (so long as that object is passed to an operation):

create('agent', {
name: $,
country: $,

You can use it inside a string template:


Or inside other expressions, like concatenation:

name: $.patients[0].first_name + ' ' + $.patients[0].last_name,

Or mathematics:

profit: $.report.revenue - $.report.expenses,

You can use it when mapping data structures:

create('user', {
countryCode: countries[$],

And you can use it in nested operations like, with each():

post(`patients/${$}`, $.data.patient)

$ is not state

The $ operator is not an alias for state.

It cannot be used in place of the state variable. It cannot be assigned to, or be on the left hand side of an assignment, and can only be used inside an argument to a function

This also means that Lazy State Operator can only be used to READ from state. It cannot be used to assign to state directly.

These examples are all errors:

const url = $.data.url;

get(() => $.data.url);

❌ $.data.x = fn();

fn(state => {
$.data.x = 10;
Compilation rules for advanced users

How does the Lazy State Operator work? The "magic" is in the compiler.

Simply put, whenever the compiler sees $ in your code, it replaces it with (state) => state. Like this:

get($.data.url) // compiles to get((state) =>

In practice, the rules are a little more complicated than that. When seeing a $ operator, the compiler will first check that $ hasn't been declared as a variable or parameter. If it has, it'll ignore it entirely.

But if the $ is deemed to be a State Operator, the compiler will first replace the $ symbol with state, then find the operation which is being called, then wrap the argument in an arrow function (if it isn't already).

get({ url: $.data.url }) // compiles to get((state) => { url: })

This "hoisting" of the arrow function enables more complex and interesting expressions to be used with lazy state, like templated string literals or dynamic object lookups.

If you're curious (or need to troubleshoot something) you can use the openfn compile command in the CLI to see the compiled code, which will tell you how the compiler is treating your State operators.

Mapping Objects

A common use-case in OpenFn fn is to map/convert/transform an object from system A to the format of system B.

We often do this in multiple Jobs in the same workflow, so that we can use different adaptors. But in this example we'll work with three operations in one job with the http adaptor: one to fetch data, one to transform, and one to upload:

// Fetch an object from one system

// Transform it
fn(state => {
// Read the data we fetched
const obj =;

// convert it by mapping properties from one object to the o ther
state.uploadData = {
name: `${obj.first_name} ${obj.last_name}`,
metadata: obj.user_data,

// Don't forget to return state!
return state;

// Post it elsewhere
post('', () => state.uploadData);
Batch conversions

These examples show a single object being converted - but sometimes we need to convert many objects at once.

See the each() example below to see how we can do this with the each operator.

You can also use a Javascript map() or forEach() function inside a callback or fn block.

Generally it's easier to spread your job logic across many top-level operations, each responsible for one task, rather than having a few deeply nested operations.

This is fine - and actually, having lots of operations which each do a small task is usually considered a good thing. It makes code more readable and easier to reason about when things go wrong.

But every operation argument accepts a function (allowing lazy state references, as described above). This gives us the opportunity to the conversion in-line in the post operation:

// Fetch an object from one system

// Transform and post it elsewhere
post('', state => ({
name: `${} ${}`,

Effective use of these lazily-resolved functions is critical to writing good OpenFn jobs.

Iteration with each()

A typical use-case in data integration in particular is to convert data from one format to another. Usually this involves iterating over an array of items, converting the values, and mapping them into a new array.

In OpenFn, we can use the each() operator to do this.

get(state => `/patients/${}`)

each() takes a JSON path string as its first argument, which points to some part of state. In JSON path, we use $ to refer to the root, and dot notation to chain a path, and [*] to "select" an array of items.

The second argument is an Operation, which will receive each item at the end of the json path as, but otherwise will receive the rest of the state object.

So we can iterate over each item and write it back to state, like this:

fn((state) => {
// Initialize an array into state to use later
state.transformed = []
return state;
each("$.items[*]", fn(state) => {
// Pull the next item off the state
const next =;

// Transform it
const transformed = { };

// Write it back to the top-level transformed array on state

// Always return state
return state;

Or we can pass in another operation, like this Salesforce example:

upsert('Person__c', 'Participant_PID__c', state => ({
First_Name__c: state.participant_first_name,
Surname__c: state.participant_surname,

Each participant is upserted into Salesforce, with its salesforce fields mapped to values in the participants array.

JSON paths

The use of a JSON path string as the first argument to each() allows the runtime to lazily evaluate the value at that path - See Reading state lazily.

Not all operations support a JSON path string - refer to individual adaptor docs for guidance.

Variable initialisation

A common pattern is to need to declare some variables at the state of the job. These could be static values to use later, functions to be called multiple times through the job, or bits of state that we want to return at the end.

It is considered best practice to use an fn() block to do this at the start of the job, writing all values to state.

fn(state => {
// Create an array to hold the final results of the job
state.results = [];

// Create a lookup index to be used during the job
state.lookup = {};

state.keyMap = {
AccountName: 'C__Acc_Name', // capture various static mappings for transformation

state.maxPageSize = 200; // Define some config options

state.convertToSF = item => {
/* ... */
}; // A function to be re-used

return state;

// the rest of your job code goes here

fn(state => {
/* ... */

// Only return the results array as output from the job
return { result: state.results };

Using Cursors

Sometimes it is useful to maintain a rolling cursor position on the backend datasource. This can be used in a cron-based workflow, for example, to query the database for new records since the last run.

In a cron workflow, OpenFn will pass the previous state into the next state - so state persists across runs. We can take advantage of that to pick up where we left off.

You can use the cursor() operation, which is built-in to most adaptors, to make cursor management easier.

Version support
The cursor operation was introduced to @openfn/language-common in version1.13.0 (released April 2024).

Any adaptor which uses common 1.12.0 or less will not support the cursor operation. Consider updating to the latest adaptor version to take advantage of this functionality.

Setting the cursor value

To use a cursor from a fixed date, just add a line like this to the top of your job:


This will set the cursor to always use the date you provided.

If you are using a date cursor, you can also pass in natural language strings like "now", "today", "yesterday", "24 hours ago" or "start" (ie, the time the job started).


Relative dates like "today" will be converted into a Javascript Date using the system locale.

If you're in the CLI that means times will be calculated in your local system time; or if you're running on Lightning it'll use the Lightning system time (usually UTC).

The cursor function will log the exact time, including the time zone, it is using.

To use a rolling or manual cursor, you should pass the cursor value from state. You might want to include a default value too:

cursor(state => state.cursor, { defaultValue: '2024-04-08T12:00:00.0000' });

Using the cursor

To use the cursor in your job, just use state.cursor in your queries like any other state property.

The usage will be different depending on the adaptor you're using. Here's how you might build a URL with query parameters with the HTTP adaptor:

get(state => `/registrations?since=${state.cursor}`);
fn(/* do something good with your data */);

This will read the cursor value off the state object, insert it into a string, and pass it into a HTTP query.

Or perhaps you want to build the cursor into an object:

get('registrations', state => {
query: {
fromdate: state.cursor;

The actual value of a cursor is arbitrary. You can use a string, a Date, a page number or object, or anything you like.

You may want to advance the cursor at the end of a job ready, for the next run:

cursor(state => state.cursor, { defaultValue: 'today' });
fn(/* do something good with your data */);

Manual Cursors

It's often useful to manually set the cursor position - usually when testing or debugging. Maybe yesterday's run failed and you want to repeat it, or maybe you're testing out some new functionality and you want to experiment with different cursors.

You can do this by setting a cursor value on input state, like this:

"cursor": "today",

You can do this by triggering a manual run in the platform's Job Inspector, or you can pass the state as input to the CLI:

$ openfn job.js -s state.json -a http
Manual cursors on v1
Platform v1 does not allow input states to be freely defined, so setting a manual cursor is a little more difficult.

You have to hard-code the manual cursor into the run so that the state cursor is ignored:


This line should be commented out in production runs.

Alternatively, you can use the defaultValue option. This will work so long you run without any initial state:

cursor(state => state.cursor, { defaultValue: '2024-03-12' });

Cursor Options

The second argument to cursor() is an options object. You can use this to set the defaultValue or the key the cursor should use (defaults to cursor)

cursor(state => state.cursor, { defaultValue: '2024-03-12', key: 'page' });

Formatting the value

If you're using a service which doesn't use standard date formats, or you wish to map a number of input formats into a consistent standard, you can use the format option.

format takes a function which accepts the current cursor value as an argument, and returns a formatted or updated value. This is called just before the cursor is assigned to state.

For example, to use a Javascript Date as your cursor:

cursor('today', { format: c => new Date(c) });

The formatter will run after any natural-language processing, so you can intercept and convert the value to whatever you need.

You can combine this with dateFns.format to use a custom timestamp:

cursor('today', { format: c => dateFns.format(new Date(c), 'dd/mm/yyyy') });

You can add as much logic as you wish to your formatter - it's just a regular Javascript function

cursor('today', {
format: c => {
if (typeof c === 'number') {
return { page: c, count: 20 };
return c;

Cleaning final state

When your job has completed, the final state object will be "returned" by the openfn runtime.

This final state must be serialisable to JSON.

If there are more steps in the workflow, the state will be passed to those steps. If running on the app (Lightning), the final state will be saved as a dataclip. Or if running in the CLI, the final state will be written to disk.

It's often desirable to clean up your final state so that any unused information is removed. This reduces the size of your saved data, but could also be an important security consideration.

The best way to do this is with a closing fn() block which returns just the keys you want (this is usually best):

fn(state => {
return {

You could use the spread operator to override some keys:

fn(state => {
return {
secretStuff: null,

Or use the rest operator:

fn(state => {
const { username, password, secrets, } = state;
return rest;
Configuration & Functions

OpenFn will automatically scrub the configuration key and any functions from your final state.

Error Handling

If something goes wrong, it's usually best to let your jobs fail.

Failing jobs will generate the right status on the OpenFn app and communicate that something is wrong.

Don't worry, errors happen all the time! Even well established workflows will occasionally throw an error because of some unexpected data somewhere in the pipeline. It's a fact of life, but the most important thing is to be aware of it.

Errors should be thrown from the job without much ceremony, and will be caught by the runtime to be processed appropriately.

If a Job does throw an error, it will be logged and written to the final state, so it should be easy to find and identify the cause.

It is common practice in a Workflow to let a Job error, and then perform some task - like emailing a system admin that there was a problem.

When processing batches of data, you might want to catch errors occurring on individual items and write them to state. That way one bad item won't ruin a whole batch, and you know which items succeeded and which failed. You can then throw an exception to recognise that the job has failed.


The code you write isn't technically executable JavaScript. You can't just run it through node.js. It needs to be transformed or compiled into portable vanilla JS code.


This is advanced stuff more focused at JavaScript developers and the technically curious. These docs are not intended to be complete - just a nudge in the right direction to help understand how jobs work.

The major differences between openfn code and JavaScript are:

  • The top level functions in the code are executed synchronously (in sequence), even if they contain asynchronous code
  • OpenFn code does not contain import statements (although technically it can). These are compiled in.
  • Compiled code is a JavaScript ESM module which default-exports an array of async functions. These functions are imported and executed by the runtime.

It shouldn't be necessary to understand compilation in detail, but you should be aware that the code you write is not the code you run.

If you're a JavaScript developer, understanding some of these changes might help you better understand how OpenFn works. Using the CLI, you can run openfn compile path/to/job.ja -a <adaptor-name> to see compiled code.

Here's an example of how a simple job looks in compilation:

This job:


Compiles to this JavaScript module:

import { get } from '@openfn/language-http';
export * from '@openfn/language-http';
export default [get('/patients')];

Next Steps

The best way to learn how to write OpenFn jobs is to write OpenFn jobs.

You can get started with CLI and start running jobs locally. Then take a look at the CLI Challenge to really exercise your job writing skills.

If you're ready to start using the app, take a look at this guide to create your first Workflow.

Workflow design is a non-trivial problem, so you might also like to review the Workflow Design Process docs.


If you have any job-writing questions, ask on Community to seek assistance from the OpenFn core team and other implementers.