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Basic usage of OpenFn CLI

This page shows common usage examples for the CLI.

Execute a job, run a workflow, adjust logging, maintain adaptors, and save the state.

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openfn --help
openfn deploy --help

Run a job

To run a single job, you must explicitly specify which adaptor to use. You can find the list of publicly available adaptors here. See examples below.

Adaptors are automatically installed if the specified version is not detected.

Run a job with the http adaptor:

openfn path/to/job.js -a http

Use a specific adaptor version:

openfn path/to/job.js -a http@2.0.0

Pass a path to a locally installed adaptor:

openfn path/to/job.js -a http=/repo/openfn/adaptors/my-http-build

Use the local adaptors monorepo build:

openfn path/to/job.js -ma http

You must set the path to the monorepo in the env var OPENFN_ADAPTORS_REPO. For example:

OPENFN_ADAPTORS_REPO=~/openfn/adaptors openfn job.js -ma http

You would typically set this in a configuration file like .profile or .zshrc.

Remember to rebuild the adaptor before using it!

Run from a specific start step

You can specify a step as an exact id, or a partial substring from the name or id.

openfn path/to.job.js --start cf628d9e -s path/to/input.json

If you have previously cached this workflow's results, the CLI will automatically load the correct input from the cache if you omit the -s argument:

openfn path/to.job.js --start cf628d9e

You can also pass --end to make the workflow exit early.

Run a single step

--only works just like --start and --end. You can partially match a step name or id, and input will be automatically loaded from the cache.

openfn path/to.job.js --only cf628d9e

Handle output state

After the job finishes, the CLI writes the resulting state to disk. By default, it creates an output.json next to the job file.

You can specify custom paths for the output and state files:

openfn path/to/job.js -a adaptor-name -o path/to/output.json -s path/to/state.json

Use -O to return the output through stdout:

openfn path/to/job.js -a adaptor-name -O

Save all step results locally

openfn path/to/workflow.json --cache-steps

Each step will write its output to ./cli-cache/<workflow-name>/<step-id>.json. The .cli-cache folder will be git-ignored and the cache will be cleared when the workflow is re-run with --cache-steps enabled.

To always cache, set the OPENFN_ALWAYS_CACHE_STEPS env var to "true", and pass --no-cache-steps to disable it temporarily.

Adjust logging level

You can pass -l info or --log info to get more feedback about what's happening during runtime. Below is the list of different log levels

log leveldescription
openfn path/to/job.js -a adaptor -l noneQuiet mode
openfn path/to/job.js -a adaptor -l defaultTop level information of what is happening
openfn path/to/job.js -a adaptor -l infoGet more feedback about runtime, cli and the job
openfn path/to/job.js -a adaptor -l debugGet information about runtime, cli, compiler and the job

Maintain auto-installed adaptors repo

List the repo contents:

openfn repo list

Specify the repo folder using the OPENFN_REPO_DIR env var:

export OPENFN_REPO_DIR=/path/to/repo

Auto-install adaptors and check if a matching version is found in the repo:

openfn path/to/job.js -a adaptor-name

Remove all adaptors from the repo:

openfn repo clean

Run a workflow

A workflow has a structure like this
"options": {
"start": "a" // optionally specify the start node (defaults to steps[0])
"workflows": {
"steps": [
"id": "a",
"expression": "fn((state) => state)", // code or a path
"adaptor": "@openfn/language-common@1.75", // specifiy the adaptor to use (version optional)
"state": {
"data": {} // optionally pre-populate the data object (this will be overriden by keys in in previous state)
"configuration": {}, // Use this to pass credentials
"next": {
// This object defines which steps to call next
// All edges returning true will run
// If there are no next edges, the workflow will end
"b": true,
"c": {
"condition": "!state.error" // Note that this is an expression, not a function

To run a workflow:

openfn path/to/workflow.json -o tmp/output.json

Check out this detailed tutorial on running workflows via the CLI.

Load adaptor documentation

The CLI can list adaptor documentation in the terminal. Note that it has to download the adaptor to the repo (if it's not already there), which can take a moment.

Print a list of adaptor functions

openfn docs http

Show docs for a specific function

openfn docs http post