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Version: v2 ⚡



The portability specification allows for the representations of entire workflow projects "as code", lets user move between various deployment pathways (cloud, local, DIY, etc.) and proposes a globally-applicable way of specifying workflow automation and systems integration that might be applied across workflow-engines/integration platforms across the sector. Nothing about the spec must be specific to OpenFn or any one of our individual products. We envision a future in which software built with Lightning, the OpenFn Integration Toolkit, and entirely new and different integration/workflow tools can adopt this specification.

If you're interested in contributing to the specification, reach out to OpenFn via the community forum, write to us, or suggest changes by submitting a pull request here.

Projects "as code"

Entire projects (groups of workflows with their associated triggers, edges, credentials and jobs) can be represented as code. This improves the OpenFn developer experience by (a) allowing workflows to be built and tested locally; (b) enabling project version control and an audit trail of project changes; and (c) allowing users to port existing projects between different instances (i.e., deployments) of Lightning.

Directory structure

Many users keep OpenFn projects in git repositories, and this is a common structure:

├── workflow-a/
│ ├── job-1.js
│ ├── job-2.js
│ └── job-3.js
├── workflow-b/
│ └── job-4.js
├── project.yaml
├── projectState.json
└── config.json
Directory Structure

There are commonly used 3 directory structure for OpenFn projects namely: standard, production & test, and monorepo. To learn more, please see the OpenFn GitHub configuration documentation.

The project spec

The project specification (or "spec") is often saved as a project.yaml file. While most of the spec is written inline, many developers prefer to track their job bodies in separate .js files and they then reference them with a relative path.

name: openhie-project
description: Some sample
name: OpenHIE Workflow
name: FHIR-standard-Data-with-change
adaptor: '@openfn/language-http@latest'
enabled: true
credential: null
path: ./jobs/my-fancy-script.js

name: Send-to-OpenHIM-to-route-to-SHR
adaptor: '@openfn/language-http@latest'
enabled: true
body: |
fn(state => {
console.log("hello github integration")
return state

name: Notify-CHW-upload-successful
adaptor: '@openfn/language-http@latest'
enabled: true
credential: null
body: fn(state => state);

name: Notify-CHW-upload-failed
adaptor: '@openfn/language-http@latest'
enabled: true
credential: null
path: ./jobs/notify-failure.js

type: webhook
source_trigger: webhook
target_job: FHIR-standard-Data-with-change
condition: always
source_job: FHIR-standard-Data-with-change
target_job: Send-to-OpenHIM-to-route-to-SHR
condition: on_job_success
source_job: Send-to-OpenHIM-to-route-to-SHR
target_job: Notify-CHW-upload-successful
condition: on_job_success
source_job: Send-to-OpenHIM-to-route-to-SHR
target_job: Notify-CHW-upload-failed
condition: on_job_failure

In this spec, you can see the different ways of defining a job's body:

  1. Inline body: Used in the FHIR-standard-Data-with-change and Send-to-OpenHIM-to-route-to-SHR jobs. The body is directly written in the YAML file.

  2. External file reference: Used in both Notify-CHW-upload-successful and Notify-CHW-upload-failed jobs. The body is stored in separate files, referenced by the path key. This allows for better organization of complex job logic.

When using file paths:

  • Paths are relative to the location of the project.yaml file.
  • Ensure that the referenced files exist and contain valid job body code.
  • This method is particularly useful for complex jobs or when you want to reuse job bodies across different projects.

The project state

The project state is a representation of a particular project as on a specific Lightning instance. It is often saved as projectState.json and contains UUIDs for resources on a particular Lightning deployment.

"id": "8deff39d-8189-4bd7-9dc7-f9f08e7f2c60",
"name": "openhie-project",
"description": null,
"inserted_at": "2023-08-25T08:57:31",
"updated_at": "2023-08-25T08:57:31",
"scheduled_deletion": null,
"requires_mfa": false,
"project_credentials": {
"": {
"id": "25f48989-d349-4eb8-99c3-923ebba5b116",
"name": "HAPI FHIR",
"owner": ""
"workflows": {
"OpenHIE-Workflow": {
"id": "27ae2937-0959-48b8-a597-b1646aae8c14",
"name": "OpenHIE Workflow",
"jobs": {
"Transform-data-to-FHIR-standard": {
"id": "e44f65bb-5038-4e17-8d93-b63cbe95254a",
"delete": true
"Send-to-OpenHIM-to-route-to-SHR": {
"id": "977b87ff-f347-42b5-832f-6ae2ca726f32",
"name": "Send-to-OpenHIM-to-route-to-SHR",
"adaptor": "@openfn/language-http@latest",
"body": "fn(state => state);\n",
"enabled": true
"Notify-CHW-upload-successful": {
"id": "86b743a3-fd00-4629-b9fb-d5f38fb56d0b",
"name": "Notify-CHW-upload-successful",
"adaptor": "@openfn/language-http@latest",
"body": "fn(state => state);\n",
"enabled": true
"Notify-CHW-upload-failed": {
"id": "be85df30-0abd-4f8e-be17-501f67e18b8d",
"name": "Notify-CHW-upload-failed",
"adaptor": "@openfn/language-http@latest",
"body": "fn(state => state);\n",
"enabled": true
"FHIR-standard-Data": {
"id": "55016dda-42e3-4ee1-8a9c-24e3f23d42f1",
"delete": true
"FHIR-standard-Data-with-change": {
"id": "28dd0846-a6ae-40c0-8ab4-3e0a6b487afe",
"name": "FHIR-standard-Data-with-change",
"adaptor": "@openfn/language-http@latest",
"body": "fn(state => state);\n",
"enabled": true
"triggers": {
"webhook": {
"id": "530cde0b-0de4-4f68-8834-0a4356a2fe53",
"type": "webhook"
"edges": {
"webhook->Transform-data-to-FHIR-standard": {
"id": "b2c7407b-0ae9-4ca5-9d6b-ee624976fa54",
"delete": true
"Transform-data-to-FHIR-standard->Send-to-OpenHIM-to-route-to-SHR": {
"id": "d22ed6f4-26a2-4c85-b261-cc110a6851e6",
"delete": true
"Send-to-OpenHIM-to-route-to-SHR->Notify-CHW-upload-successful": {
"id": "26c12f7f-7806-4008-87cd-6747998f95f4",
"condition": "on_job_success",
"source_job_id": "977b87ff-f347-42b5-832f-6ae2ca726f32",
"source_trigger_id": null,
"target_job_id": "86b743a3-fd00-4629-b9fb-d5f38fb56d0b"
"Send-to-OpenHIM-to-route-to-SHR->Notify-CHW-upload-failed": {
"id": "0630ac96-4f67-4de7-8c3d-0bf3f89f80d9",
"condition": "on_job_failure",
"source_job_id": "977b87ff-f347-42b5-832f-6ae2ca726f32",
"source_trigger_id": null,
"target_job_id": "be85df30-0abd-4f8e-be17-501f67e18b8d"
"webhook->FHIR-standard-Data": {
"id": "5ce3a8ed-b9eb-464a-a2cd-ba55adc393c2",
"delete": true
"FHIR-standard-Data->Send-to-OpenHIM-to-route-to-SHR": {
"id": "5f459cd9-2882-4a61-a2cc-ec45e58d4837",
"delete": true
"webhook->FHIR-standard-Data-with-change": {
"id": "75e7f7d8-274b-410d-9600-730bbd535229",
"condition": "always",
"source_job_id": null,
"source_trigger_id": "530cde0b-0de4-4f68-8834-0a4356a2fe53",
"target_job_id": "28dd0846-a6ae-40c0-8ab4-3e0a6b487afe"
"FHIR-standard-Data-with-change->Send-to-OpenHIM-to-route-to-SHR": {
"id": "1e5ba385-2c49-4241-8cd2-042c99a810ec",
"condition": "on_job_success",
"source_job_id": "28dd0846-a6ae-40c0-8ab4-3e0a6b487afe",
"source_trigger_id": null,
"target_job_id": "977b87ff-f347-42b5-832f-6ae2ca726f32"

Using the CLI interact with projects

The project spec and project state can be used for a variety of reasons, e.g. one could generate the state and spec as backups of the project or one could generate these files and use them for auditing and record keeping, etc. The OpenFn CLI comes with commands that can be used to pull project configurations down from a running Lightning server, and to deploy or push updates to existing projects on a Lightning server. To learn more about automated version control via pull and deploy, head over to our Version Control docs.

Don't have the CLI yet?

Install it by running npm install -g @openfn/cli

Before using the CLI, configure it either by passing in environment variables:


Or through a config.json file:

// Required, can be overridden or set with `OPENFN_API_KEY` env var
"apiKey": "***",

// Optional: can be set using the -p, defaults to project.yaml
"specPath": "project.yaml",

// Optional: can be set using -s, defaults to .state.json
"statePath": ".state.json",

// Optional: defaults to's API, can be overridden or set with
// `OPENFN_ENDPOINT` env var
"endpoint": ""

More details on the CLI can be found here.

openfn pull to generate spec & state

To generate the spec and state files for an existing project, use:

openfn pull {YOUR-PROJECT-UUID} -c ./config.json

This command will save (or overwrite) a project spec and state file based on the path you've set in your configuration.

openfn deploy to create new projects

To deploy a new project to a Lightning instance from a project spec (without a project state) file use:

openfn deploy -c config.json

openfn deploy to update existing projects

With a valid project state defined in your config.json, the same openfn deploy command will beam up your changes as described by a difference between your project spec and what's found on the server.

openfn deploy -c config.json
Checking for existing project.
Project found.
[CLI] ♦ Changes:
workflows: [
jobs: [
- body: "fn(state => {\n console.log(\"ok\")\n return state\n});"
+ body: "fn(state => {\n console.log(\"some changes here!\")\n return state\n});\n"

? Deploy? yes
[CLI] ♦ Deployed.

Getting Help with the cli

The cli package comes with an inbuilt help. Adding --help to a command such as openfn deploy --help will result in a help message describing the command and the options available when using this command. See an example below

openfn deploy --help
openfn deploy

Deploy a project's config to a remote Lightning instance

--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
-c, --config, --config-path The location of your config file [default: "./.config.json"]
--no-confirm Skip confirmation prompts (e.g. 'Are you sure?') [boolean]
--describe Downloads the project yaml from the specified instance [boolean]
-l, --log Set the log level [string]
--log-json Output all logs as JSON objects [boolean]
-p, --project-path The location of your project.yaml file [string]
-s, --state-path Path to the state file


This section covers solutions to some errors you might come across when using OpenFn pull or deploy in your projects.

Extraneous Workflow ID


This error occurs when you run openfn deploy and there is a mismatch between between IDs of workflows in your projectSpec and your OpenFn instance. When this occurs, the error will be written out in an error object as shown below:

[CLI] ✘ Failed to deploy project openfn-data-buffers-prototype:
"errors": {
"workflows": {
"1-ingest-messages": {
"base": [
"extraneous parameters: workflow_id"
"2-calculate-indicators": {
"base": [
"extraneous parameters: workflow_id"


Run openfn pull to update your local instance and keep IDs in sync, incorporate your changes and run openfn deploy again.

Other Versions