Hive Adaptor
About Apache Hive
Apache Hive is a data warehouse software that facilitates reading, writing, and managing large datasets stored in distributed storage systems.
Integration Options
The hive
adaptor provides direct database connections for accessing data and executing SQL and standard database operations. See functions for more on how to use this adaptor.
See Hive docs for the latest on supported authentication methods. When integrating with a Hive database via OpenFn, you authenticate via SSH using authorized database credentials. See this adaptor's Configuration docs for more on the required authentication parameters.
See platform docs on managing credentials for how to configure a credential in OpenFn. If working locally or if using a Raw JSON credential type, then your configuration will look something like this:
"host": "",
"database": "demo-db",
"username": "admin-demo",
"password": "@super(!)Secretpass"
Helpful Links
Implementation Examples
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