Load to DHIS2
- Name: Load to DHIS2
- Adaptor:
- Adaptor Version:
- Created over 1 year ago
- Updated 7 months ago
- Score: 0 (an indicator of how useful this job may be)
Key Functionsβ
, get
, join
, map
, async
// build and log nested dhis2 records
fn(state => {
const { patientsWithClaims } = state.data;
const today = new Date().toISOString().split('T')[0];
const teis = patientsWithClaims.map(p => {
const patient = p.resource;
const claims = p.claims;
const treatments = claims
.map(c => c.resource.item[0])
.map(t => t.productOrService.coding[0].display)
.join('; ');
const enrollments = claims.map(c => {
const claim = c.resource;
const display = claim.insurance && claim.insurance[0].coverage.display;
const oclMapping = {
PARN: 'GMfuAqBFS1g',
'Programme Vaccination': 'GMfuAqBFS1g',
'SantΓ© Maternelle': 'wBUDpZSS4Bh',
`We could use OCL to map "${display}" to "${
oclMapping[display] || 'q5Qyv66pIAI (mTOMADY Other)'
return {
orgUnit: 'KUVJPjmUmWc',
program: oclMapping[display] || 'q5Qyv66pIAI',
status: 'ACTIVE', // active
enrolledAt: today,
occurredAt: today,
return {
orgUnit: 'KUVJPjmUmWc', // Madagascar
trackedEntityType: 'x5fZpgCyv50', // Patient
attributes: [
{ attribute: 'rDeWj9yYtzv', value: patient.identifier[0].value },
{ attribute: 'E4f4wBsDVgR', value: patient.name[0].family },
{ attribute: 'Fz33peSkK1I', value: patient.name[0].given[0] },
attribute: 'POCXiJxpYX1',
value: `${treatments}`,
{ attribute: 'dA6ShmrHmhk', value: patient.birthDate },
{ attribute: 'mWOlfweGigO', value: patient.gender },
enrollments: enrollments,
return { ...state, teis };
// get current TEIs
get('tracker/trackedEntities', {
orgUnit: 'KUVJPjmUmWc',
trackedEntityType: 'x5fZpgCyv50',
// create upsertable array
fn(state => {
const { configuration, teis } = state;
const existing = state.data.instances;
const createable = [];
const updateable = [];
teis.forEach(t => {
const match = existing.find(e => {
const idAttr = e.attributes.find(a => a.displayName == 'Unique ID');
return idAttr && idAttr.value == t.attributes[0].value;
if (match) {
const enrollments =
(match.enrollments && match.enrollments.concat(t.enrollments)) ||
updateable.push({ ...match, ...t, enrollments });
} else {
console.log(`${updateable.length} to update; ${createable.length} to create`);
const trackedEntities = [...createable, ...updateable];
return { configuration, trackedEntities, references: [] };
// send data to DHIS2
create('tracker', state => ({ trackedEntities: state.trackedEntities }), {
params: {
importStrategy: 'CREATE_AND_UPDATE',
atomicMode: 'OBJECT',
async: 'false',