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This adaptor exports the following namespaced functions:

collections.each(name, query, callback)
collections.get(name, query)
collections.remove(name, query)
collections.set(name, keygen, values)


These functions belong to the collections namespace.


each(name, query, callback)

Iterate over all values in a collection which match the provided query. each() maintains a low memory footprint by streaming items individually. You can pass a string key-pattern as a query, or pass a query object. The callback function will be invoked for each value with three parameters: state, value and key. Changing the page size does not affect the callback function (only one item is ever passed at a time).

namestringThe name of the collection to remove from
querystring | QueryOptionsA string key or key pattern (with wildcards '*') to remove, or a query object
callbackfunctionA callback invoked for each item (state, value, key) => void

This operation writes the following keys to state:

State KeyDescription
data.cursorif values are still left on the server, a cursor string will be written to

Example: Iterate over a range of values with wildcards

collections.each('my-collection', 'record-2024*-appointment-*', (state, value, key) => {
state.cumulativeCost += value.cost;

Example: Iterate over a range of values with date filters

collections.each('my-collection', { createdBefore: new Date().toString() }, (state, value, key) => {
state.cumulativeCost += value.cost;


get(name, query)

Fetch one or more values from a collection. For large datasets, we recommend using each(), which streams data. You can pass a specific key as a string to only fetch one item, or pass a query with a key-pattern or a date filter. If not all matching values are returned, the cursor position is written to

namestringThe name of the collection to fetch from
querystring | QueryOptionsA string key or key pattern (with wildcards '*') to fetch, or a query object

This operation writes the following keys to state:

State KeyDescription
datathe downloaded values as an array unless a specific key was specified, in which case is the value

Example: Get a specific value from a collection

collections.get('my-collection', '556e0a62')

Example: Get a range of values from a collection with a key pattern

collections.get('my-collection', '2024*')

Example: Get all values created since the end of January 2024

collections.get('my-collection', { createdAfter: '202401'})


remove(name, query)

Remove one or more values from a collection. You can pass a specific key as a string to only fetch one item, or pass a query with a key-pattern or a date filter.

namestringThe name of the collection to remove from
querystring | QueryOptionsA string key or key pattern (with wildcards '*') to remove, or a query object

Example: Remove a specific value from a collection

collections.remove('my-collection', '556e0a62')

Example: Remove a range of values from a collection with a key pattern

collections.remove('my-collection', '2024*')

Example: Remove all values created since the end of January 2024

collections.remove('my-collection', { createdAfter: '202401'})


set(name, keygen, values)

Adds one or more values to a collection. If a key already exists, its value will be replaced by the new value. You can pass a string key and a single value, or a key generator function and an array of values. The function will be called for each value, passing each value as the first argument, and should return a string key.

namestringThe name of the collection to fetch from
keygena function which generates a key for each value: (value, index) => key. Pass a string to set a static key for a single item.
valuesan array of values to set, or a single value.

Example: Set a number of values using each value's id property as a key

collections.set('my-collection', (item) =>, $.data)

Example: Set a number of values, generating an id from a string template

collections.set('my-collection', (item) => `${item.category}-${}`, $.data)

Example: Set a single value with a static key

collections.set('my-collection', 'city-codes', { NY: 'New York', LDN: 'London' })



Query options. All dates should be parseable as ISO 8601 strings, see


keystringkey or key pattern to match against. Patterns support wildcards, eg 2024-01*
createdBeforestringmatches values that were created before the start of the provided date
createdAfterstringmatches values that were created after the end of the provided date
limitnumberlimit the maximum amount of results. If Infinity or unset, all items will be fetched. Default: Infnity.
pageSizenumberspecify the number of values downloaded per page (or chunk). Default 1000.
cursorstringset the cursor position to start searching from a specific index.