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04b/ Update ODK form

This job was provided by an user via the job library API.


  • Name: 04b/ Update ODK form
  • Adaptor: @openfn/language-http
  • Adaptor Version: latest
  • Created about 5 years ago
  • Updated almost 5 years ago
  • Score: 0 (an indicator of how useful this job may be)

Key Functions

get, post, Number


// Your job goes here.
query: {
formId: 'registration_form',
state => {
console.log('Start processing state and form template!');

let template =;
let templateUpdated = false;

const itemEx = /<item>\s?<label>[^<>]*<\/label>\s?<value>[^<>]*<\/value>\s?<\/item>/gi;
const itemMatches = template.match(itemEx);

const selectFacilityEx = /<select1\s+ref="\/RegistrationForm\/position_facility">/gi;
//const selectFacilityEx = /<select1\s+ref="\/data\/position_facility">/gi;
const selectPositionEx = /<select1\s+ref="\/RegistrationForm\/position">/gi;
//const selectPositionEx = /<select1\s+ref="\/data\/position">/gi;

console.log(`Received ${state.new_jobs.length} new data!`);

for(let j = 0; j < state.new_jobs.length; j ++) {
let facilityExists = false;
let positionExists = false;

let facilityId = state.new_jobs[j].facility_id;
console.log(`Processing facility: ${facilityId}.`);

const positions = state.new_jobs[j].position_id.split('|');
const salaries = state.new_jobs[j].salary.split('=');

let positionId = `${positions[1]}_${salaries[1]}`;
console.log(`Processing position: ${positionId}.`);
for(let i = 0; i < itemMatches.length; i ++) {
if (itemMatches[i].indexOf(facilityId) >= 0) {
facilityExists = true;
if (itemMatches[i].indexOf(positionId) >= 0) {
if (state.new_jobs[j].status === 'CLOSED') {
console.log(`Removing closed position: ${positionId}.`);
template = template.replace(itemMatches[i], '');
templateUpdated = true;
positionExists = true;

if (!facilityExists) {
const selectFacilityMatches = template.match(selectFacilityEx);
console.log("Facility matches: "+selectFacilityMatches)
const facilityItem =
console.log(`Adding facility: ${facilityItem}.`);
template = template.replace(
selectFacilityMatches[0] + facilityItem
templateUpdated = true;
} else {
console.log('Not seeing any facility to add. Moving along!');

if (!positionExists && state.new_jobs[j].status === 'NEW') {
const selectPositionMatches = template.match(selectPositionEx);
const positionItem =
console.log(`Adding position: ${positionItem}.`);
template = template.replace(
selectPositionMatches[0] + positionItem
templateUpdated = true;
} else {
console.log('Not seeing any position to add. Moving along!');

if (templateUpdated) {
const versionEx = /id="\S+"\s+version="(\S+)"/;
const versionMatches = template.match(versionEx);
const currentVersion = Number.parseInt(versionMatches[1]);
console.log(`Updating form version from: ${currentVersion}`);
template = template.replace(currentVersion, currentVersion + 1);

state.template = template;
return state;

post('', {
formData: state => {
return {
form_def_file: {
value: state.template,
options: {
filename: 'registration_form.xml'