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Chaining synchronous http requests

📜 This job is an official example from OpenFn.


  • Name: Chaining synchronous http requests
  • Adaptor: @openfn/language-http
  • Adaptor Version: latest
  • Created date unknown
  • Updated date unknown
  • Score: 100 (an indicator of how useful this job may be)

Key Functions​

post, async, await


fn(async state => {
const { Patient, Visit } =;

console.log('Here we break large arrays into smaller chunks.');
const chunk = (arr, chunkSize) => {
var R = [];
for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i += chunkSize) R.push(arr.slice(i, i + chunkSize));
return R;

const patientSets = chunk(Patient, 10);
const visitSets = chunk(Visit, 10);

console.log('Patient sets:', patientSets.length);
console.log('Visit sets:', visitSets.length);

const visitChunks = [];
const patientChunks = [];

patientSets.forEach(sets => {
const data = {
Visit: [],
Patient: sets,

visitSets.forEach(sets => {
const data = {
Visit: sets,
Patient: [],

let countInbox = 0;
console.log('Then we define our async function that make multiple posts requests,');
console.log('each after a fix period of time.');
const postToInbox = async data => {
console.log(`${countInbox} request to inbox`);

await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));
await post(state.configuration.inboxUrl, { body: data })(state);

console.log('For each one of our chunks, we send one by one awaiting response.');
for (const patient of patientChunks) {
await postToInbox(patient);
for (const visit of visitChunks) {
await postToInbox(visit);

return { ...state, patientChunks, visitChunks };