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addToBundle(resources, [name])
search(resourceType, options)
update(reference, resource)

This adaptor exports the following namespaced functions:

builders.account(type, props)
builders.activityDefinition(type, props)
builders.administrableProductDefinition(type, props)
builders.adverseEvent(type, props)
builders.allergyIntolerance(type, props)
builders.appointment(type, props)
builders.appointmentResponse(type, props)
builders.biologicallyDerivedProduct(type, props)
builders.bodyStructure(type, props)
builders.carePlan(type, props)
builders.careTeam(type, props)
builders.chargeItem(type, props)
builders.chargeItemDefinition(type, props)
builders.citation(type, props)
builders.claim(type, props)
builders.claimResponse(type, props)
builders.clinicalImpression(type, props)
builders.clinicalUseDefinition(type, props)
builders.communication(type, props)
builders.communicationRequest(type, props)
builders.contract(type, props)
builders.coverage(type, props)
builders.coverageEligibilityRequest(type, props)
builders.coverageEligibilityResponse(type, props)
builders.detectedIssue(type, props)
builders.device(type, props)
builders.deviceDefinition(type, props)
builders.deviceMetric(type, props)
builders.deviceRequest(type, props)
builders.deviceUseStatement(type, props)
builders.diagnosticReport(type, props)
builders.domainResource(type, props)
builders.encounter(type, props)
builders.enrollmentRequest(type, props)
builders.enrollmentResponse(type, props)
builders.episodeOfCare(type, props)
builders.eventDefinition(type, props)
builders.evidence(type, props)
builders.evidenceReport(type, props)
builders.evidenceVariable(type, props)
builders.explanationOfBenefit(type, props)
builders.familyMemberHistory(type, props)
builders.flag(type, props)
builders.goal(type, props), props)
builders.guidanceResponse(type, props)
builders.healthcareService(type, props)
builders.imagingStudy(type, props)
builders.immunization(type, props)
builders.immunizationEvaluation(type, props)
builders.immunizationRecommendation(type, props)
builders.ingredient(type, props)
builders.insurancePlan(type, props)
builders.invoice(type, props)
builders.library(type, props)
builders.list(type, props)
builders.location(type, props)
builders.manufacturedItemDefinition(type, props)
builders.measure(type, props)
builders.measureReport(type, props), props)
builders.medication(type, props)
builders.medicationAdministration(type, props)
builders.medicationDispense(type, props)
builders.medicationKnowledge(type, props)
builders.medicationRequest(type, props)
builders.medicationStatement(type, props)
builders.medicinalProductDefinition(type, props)
builders.molecularSequence(type, props)
builders.nutritionOrder(type, props)
builders.nutritionProduct(type, props)
builders.observation(type, props)
builders.observationDefinition(type, props)
builders.organization(type, props)
builders.organizationAffiliation(type, props)
builders.packagedProductDefinition(type, props)
builders.patient(type, props)
builders.paymentNotice(type, props)
builders.paymentReconciliation(type, props)
builders.person(type, props)
builders.planDefinition(type, props)
builders.practitioner(type, props)
builders.practitionerRole(type, props)
builders.procedure(type, props)
builders.questionnaire(type, props)
builders.questionnaireResponse(type, props)
builders.regulatedAuthorization(type, props)
builders.relatedPerson(type, props)
builders.requestGroup(type, props)
builders.researchDefinition(type, props)
builders.researchElementDefinition(type, props)
builders.researchStudy(type, props)
builders.researchSubject(type, props)
builders.riskAssessment(type, props)
builders.schedule(type, props)
builders.serviceRequest(type, props)
builders.slot(type, props)
builders.specimen(type, props)
builders.specimenDefinition(type, props)
builders.substance(type, props)
builders.substanceDefinition(type, props)
builders.supplyDelivery(type, props)
builders.supplyRequest(type, props)
builders.task(type, props)
builders.testReport(type, props)
builders.verificationResult(type, props)
builders.visionPrescription(type, props)
datatypes.addExtension(resource, url, value)
datatypes.coding(code, system)
datatypes.composite(object, key, value)
datatypes.concept(value, extra)
datatypes.extension(url, value, props)
datatypes.findExtension(obj, targetUrl, [path])
datatypes.identifier(id, ext, [system])



addToBundle(resources, [name]) ⇒

Add a resource to a bundle on state, using the name as the key (or bundle by default). The resource will be upserted (via PUT). A new bundle will be generated if one does not already exist.

Returns: Operation

resourcesobject/arrayA resource or array of resources to add to the bundle
[name]stringA name (key) for this bundle on state (defaults to bundle)

This operation writes the following keys to state:

State KeyDescription
bundlethe updated bundle

Example: Add a new patient resource to the default bundle



create(resource) ⇒

Create a new resource. The resource does not need to include an id. The created resource will be returned to

Returns: Operation

resourceobjectThe resource to create.

This operation writes the following keys to state:

State KeyDescription
datathe newly created resource.
responsethe HTTP response returned by the server.

Example: Create a Patient with a builder function

name: { family: "Messi", given: "Lionel", use: "official" },


delete(reference) ⇒

Delete a single FHIR resource.

Returns: Operation

referencestringThe type and ID of the resource to delete, eg, Patient/123

This operation writes the following keys to state:

State KeyDescription
responsethe HTTP response returned by the server.

Example: Delete a single Patient resource



read(reference) ⇒

Fetch a single FHIR resource.

Returns: Operation

referencestringThe type and ID of the resource to read, eg, Patient/123

This operation writes the following keys to state:

State KeyDescription
datathe newly updated resource, as returned by the server
responsethe HTTP response returned by the server.

Example: Read a single Patient resource


search(resourceType, options) ⇒

Search for matching FHIR resources. Exclude _ from search parameters, and pass query terms on options.query.

Returns: Operation

resourceTypestringThe type of the resource to search for.
optionsobjectParameters, query and filter.
[options.*]objectPass supported query parameters without underscore. See FHIR Search Summary.
[options.query]objectquery terms to search for. These are appended to the query URL veratim..

This operation writes the following keys to state:

State KeyDescription
datathe newly updated resource, as returned by the server
responsethe HTTP response returned by the server.

Example: Search with parameter and query term

search('Patient', {
lastUpdated: $.cursor,
count: 10,
query: { given: 'messi' },

Example: Search for patients with a given name containing "eve"

search('Patient', {
query: { 'given:contains': 'eve' },


update(reference, resource) ⇒

Update a resource. If the resource does not already exist, it will be created and state.response.statusCode will be 201. Otherwise, the existing resource will be replaced. To partially update a resource, use patch().

Returns: Operation

referencestringThe type and ID of the resource to update, eg, Patient/123
resourceobjectThe new version of this resource.

This operation writes the following keys to state:

State KeyDescription
datathe newly updated resource, as returned by the server
responsethe HTTP response returned by the server.

Example: Update a Patient with a builder function

update('Patient/123', b.patient({
id: 'Patient/123',
name: { family: "Messi", given: "Lionel", use: "official" },


uploadBundle(bundle) ⇒

Upload a bundle from state (created by addToBundle) as a transaction.

Returns: Operation

bundlestring/objectA bundle object or name of a bundle on state

Example: Upload the default bundle


Example: Create and a bundle with a custom name

addToBundle($.patients, 'patientsBundle')

Example: Upload a bundle from state



These functions belong to the builders namespace.


account(type, props)

Create a FHIR Account resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierAccount number
[props.type]CodeableConceptE.g. patient, expense, depreciation
[]stringHuman-readable label
[props.subject]ReferenceThe entity that caused the expenses
[props.servicePeriod]PeriodTransaction window
[props.coverage]BackboneElementThe party(s) that are responsible for covering the payment of this account, and what order should they be applied to the account
[props.owner]ReferenceEntity managing the Account
[props.description]stringExplanation of purpose/use
[props.guarantor]BackboneElementThe parties ultimately responsible for balancing the Account
[props.partOf]ReferenceReference to a parent Account


activityDefinition(type, props)

Create a FHIR ActivityDefinition resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.url]stringCanonical identifier for this activity definition, represented as a URI (globally unique)
[props.identifier]IdentifierAdditional identifier for the activity definition
[props.version]stringBusiness version of the activity definition
[]stringName for this activity definition (computer friendly)
[props.title]stringName for this activity definition (human friendly)
[props.subtitle]stringSubordinate title of the activity definition
[props.experimental]booleanFor testing purposes, not real usage
[props.subject]CodeableConcept | Reference | canonicalType of individual the activity definition is intended for
[]dateTimeDate last changed
[props.publisher]stringName of the publisher (organization or individual)
[]ContactDetailContact details for the publisher
[props.description]markdownNatural language description of the activity definition
[props.useContext]UsageContextThe context that the content is intended to support
[props.jurisdiction]CodeableConceptIntended jurisdiction for activity definition (if applicable)
[props.purpose]markdownWhy this activity definition is defined
[props.usage]stringDescribes the clinical usage of the activity definition
[props.copyright]markdownUse and/or publishing restrictions
[props.approvalDate]dateWhen the activity definition was approved by publisher
[props.lastReviewDate]dateWhen the activity definition was last reviewed
[props.effectivePeriod]PeriodWhen the activity definition is expected to be used
[props.topic]CodeableConceptE.g. Education, Treatment, Assessment, etc.
[]ContactDetailWho authored the content
[props.editor]ContactDetailWho edited the content
[props.reviewer]ContactDetailWho reviewed the content
[props.endorser]ContactDetailWho endorsed the content
[props.relatedArtifact]RelatedArtifactAdditional documentation, citations, etc.
[props.library]canonicalLogic used by the activity definition
[props.kind]stringKind of resource
[props.profile]canonicalWhat profile the resource needs to conform to
[props.code]CodeableConceptDetail type of activity
[props.doNotPerform]booleanTrue if the activity should not be performed
[props.timing]Timing | dateTime | Age | Period | Range | DurationWhen activity is to occur
[props.location]ReferenceWhere it should happen
[props.participant]BackboneElementWho should participate in the action
[props.product]Reference | CodeableConceptWhat's administered/supplied
[props.quantity]QuantityHow much is administered/consumed/supplied
[props.dosage]DosageDetailed dosage instructions
[props.bodySite]CodeableConceptWhat part of body to perform on
[props.specimenRequirement]ReferenceWhat specimens are required to perform this action
[props.observationRequirement]ReferenceWhat observations are required to perform this action
[props.observationResultRequirement]ReferenceWhat observations must be produced by this action
[props.transform]canonicalTransform to apply the template
[props.dynamicValue]BackboneElementDynamic aspects of the definition


administrableProductDefinition(type, props)

Create a FHIR AdministrableProductDefinition resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierAn identifier for the administrable product
[props.formOf]ReferenceReferences a product from which one or more of the constituent parts of that product can be prepared and used as described by this administrable product
[props.administrableDoseForm]CodeableConceptThe dose form of the final product after necessary reconstitution or processing
[props.unitOfPresentation]CodeableConceptThe presentation type in which this item is given to a patient. e.g. for a spray - 'puff'
[props.producedFrom]ReferenceIndicates the specific manufactured items that are part of the 'formOf' product that are used in the preparation of this specific administrable form
[props.ingredient]CodeableConceptThe ingredients of this administrable medicinal product. This is only needed if the ingredients are not specified either using ManufacturedItemDefiniton, or using by incoming references from the Ingredient resource
[props.device]ReferenceA device that is integral to the medicinal product, in effect being considered as an "ingredient" of the medicinal product
[]BackboneElementCharacteristics e.g. a product's onset of action
[props.routeOfAdministration]BackboneElementThe path by which the product is taken into or makes contact with the body


adverseEvent(type, props)

Create a FHIR AdverseEvent resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness identifier for the event
[props.event]CodeableConceptType of the event itself in relation to the subject
[props.subject]ReferenceSubject impacted by event
[props.encounter]ReferenceEncounter created as part of
[]dateTimeWhen the event occurred
[props.detected]dateTimeWhen the event was detected
[props.recordedDate]dateTimeWhen the event was recorded
[props.resultingCondition]ReferenceEffect on the subject due to this event
[props.location]ReferenceLocation where adverse event occurred
[props.seriousness]CodeableConceptSeriousness of the event
[props.recorder]ReferenceWho recorded the adverse event
[props.contributor]ReferenceWho was involved in the adverse event or the potential adverse event
[props.suspectEntity]BackboneElementThe suspected agent causing the adverse event


allergyIntolerance(type, props)

Create a FHIR AllergyIntolerance resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierExternal ids for this item
[props.code]CodeableConceptCode that identifies the allergy or intolerance
[props.patient]ReferenceWho the sensitivity is for
[props.encounter]ReferenceEncounter when the allergy or intolerance was asserted
[props.onset]dateTime | Age | Period | Range | stringWhen allergy or intolerance was identified
[props.recordedDate]dateTimeDate first version of the resource instance was recorded
[props.recorder]ReferenceWho recorded the sensitivity
[props.asserter]ReferenceSource of the information about the allergy
[props.lastOccurrence]dateTimeDate(/time) of last known occurrence of a reaction
[props.note]AnnotationAdditional text not captured in other fields
[props.reaction]BackboneElementAdverse Reaction Events linked to exposure to substance


appointment(type, props)

Create a FHIR Appointment resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierExternal Ids for this item
[props.cancelationReason]CodeableConceptThe coded reason for the appointment being cancelled
[props.serviceCategory]CodeableConceptA broad categorization of the service that is to be performed during this appointment
[props.serviceType]CodeableConceptThe specific service that is to be performed during this appointment
[props.specialty]CodeableConceptThe specialty of a practitioner that would be required to perform the service requested in this appointment
[props.appointmentType]CodeableConceptThe style of appointment or patient that has been booked in the slot (not service type)
[props.reasonCode]CodeableConceptCoded reason this appointment is scheduled
[props.reasonReference]ReferenceReason the appointment is to take place (resource)
[props.priority]unsignedIntUsed to make informed decisions if needing to re-prioritize
[props.description]stringShown on a subject line in a meeting request, or appointment list
[props.supportingInformation]ReferenceAdditional information to support the appointment
[props.start]instantWhen appointment is to take place
[props.end]instantWhen appointment is to conclude
[props.minutesDuration]numberCan be less than start/end (e.g. estimate)
[props.slot]ReferenceThe slots that this appointment is filling
[props.created]dateTimeThe date that this appointment was initially created
[props.comment]stringAdditional comments
[props.patientInstruction]stringDetailed information and instructions for the patient
[props.basedOn]ReferenceThe service request this appointment is allocated to assess
[props.participant]BackboneElementParticipants involved in appointment
[props.requestedPeriod]PeriodPotential date/time interval(s) requested to allocate the appointment within


appointmentResponse(type, props)

Create a FHIR AppointmentResponse resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierExternal Ids for this item
[props.appointment]ReferenceAppointment this response relates to
[props.start]instantTime from appointment, or requested new start time
[props.end]instantTime from appointment, or requested new end time
[props.participantType]CodeableConceptRole of participant in the appointment
[]ReferencePerson, Location, HealthcareService, or Device
[props.comment]stringAdditional comments


biologicallyDerivedProduct(type, props)

Create a FHIR BiologicallyDerivedProduct resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierExternal ids for this item
[props.productCode]CodeableConceptWhat this biologically derived product is
[props.request]ReferenceProcedure request
[props.quantity]integerThe amount of this biologically derived product
[props.parent]ReferenceBiologicallyDerivedProduct parent
[props.collection]BackboneElementHow this product was collected
[props.processing]BackboneElementAny processing of the product during collection
[props.manipulation]BackboneElementAny manipulation of product post-collection
[]BackboneElementProduct storage


bodyStructure(type, props)

Create a FHIR BodyStructure resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBodystructure identifier
[]booleanWhether this record is in active use
[props.morphology]CodeableConceptKind of Structure
[props.location]CodeableConceptBody site
[props.locationQualifier]CodeableConceptBody site modifier
[props.description]stringText description
[props.image]AttachmentAttached images
[props.patient]ReferenceWho this is about


carePlan(type, props)

Create a FHIR CarePlan resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierExternal Ids for this plan
[props.instantiatesCanonical]canonicalInstantiates FHIR protocol or definition
[props.instantiatesUri]stringInstantiates external protocol or definition
[props.basedOn]ReferenceFulfills CarePlan
[props.replaces]ReferenceCarePlan replaced by this CarePlan
[props.partOf]ReferencePart of referenced CarePlan
[props.category]CodeableConceptType of plan
[props.title]stringHuman-friendly name for the care plan
[props.description]stringSummary of nature of plan
[props.subject]ReferenceWho the care plan is for
[props.encounter]ReferenceEncounter created as part of
[props.period]PeriodTime period plan covers
[props.created]dateTimeDate record was first recorded
[]ReferenceWho is the designated responsible party
[props.contributor]ReferenceWho provided the content of the care plan
[props.careTeam]ReferenceWho's involved in plan?
[props.addresses]ReferenceHealth issues this plan addresses
[props.supportingInfo]ReferenceInformation considered as part of plan
[props.goal]ReferenceDesired outcome of plan
[props.activity]BackboneElementAction to occur as part of plan
[props.note]AnnotationComments about the plan


careTeam(type, props)

Create a FHIR CareTeam resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierExternal Ids for this team
[props.category]CodeableConceptType of team
[]stringName of the team, such as crisis assessment team
[props.subject]ReferenceWho care team is for
[props.encounter]ReferenceEncounter created as part of
[props.period]PeriodTime period team covers
[props.participant]BackboneElementMembers of the team
[props.reasonCode]CodeableConceptWhy the care team exists
[props.reasonReference]ReferenceWhy the care team exists
[props.managingOrganization]ReferenceOrganization responsible for the care team
[props.telecom]ContactPointA contact detail for the care team (that applies to all members)
[props.note]AnnotationComments made about the CareTeam


chargeItem(type, props)

Create a FHIR ChargeItem resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness Identifier for item
[props.definitionUri]stringDefining information about the code of this charge item
[props.definitionCanonical]canonicalResource defining the code of this ChargeItem
[props.partOf]ReferencePart of referenced ChargeItem
[props.code]CodeableConceptA code that identifies the charge, like a billing code
[props.subject]ReferenceIndividual service was done for/to
[props.context]ReferenceEncounter / Episode associated with event
[props.occurrence]dateTime | Period | TimingWhen the charged service was applied
[props.performer]BackboneElementWho performed charged service
[props.performingOrganization]ReferenceOrganization providing the charged service
[props.requestingOrganization]ReferenceOrganization requesting the charged service
[props.costCenter]ReferenceOrganization that has ownership of the (potential, future) revenue
[props.quantity]QuantityQuantity of which the charge item has been serviced
[props.bodysite]CodeableConceptAnatomical location, if relevant
[props.factorOverride]decimalFactor overriding the associated rules
[props.priceOverride]MoneyPrice overriding the associated rules
[props.overrideReason]stringReason for overriding the list price/factor
[props.enterer]ReferenceIndividual who was entering
[props.enteredDate]dateTimeDate the charge item was entered
[props.reason]CodeableConceptWhy was the charged service rendered?
[props.service]ReferenceWhich rendered service is being charged?
[props.product]Reference | CodeableConceptProduct charged
[props.account]ReferenceAccount to place this charge
[props.note]AnnotationComments made about the ChargeItem
[props.supportingInformation]ReferenceFurther information supporting this charge


chargeItemDefinition(type, props)

Create a FHIR ChargeItemDefinition resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.url]stringCanonical identifier for this charge item definition, represented as a URI (globally unique)
[props.identifier]IdentifierAdditional identifier for the charge item definition
[props.version]stringBusiness version of the charge item definition
[props.title]stringName for this charge item definition (human friendly)
[props.derivedFromUri]stringUnderlying externally-defined charge item definition
[props.partOf]canonicalA larger definition of which this particular definition is a component or step
[props.replaces]canonicalCompleted or terminated request(s) whose function is taken by this new request
[props.experimental]booleanFor testing purposes, not real usage
[]dateTimeDate last changed
[props.publisher]stringName of the publisher (organization or individual)
[]ContactDetailContact details for the publisher
[props.description]markdownNatural language description of the charge item definition
[props.useContext]UsageContextThe context that the content is intended to support
[props.jurisdiction]CodeableConceptIntended jurisdiction for charge item definition (if applicable)
[props.copyright]markdownUse and/or publishing restrictions
[props.approvalDate]dateWhen the charge item definition was approved by publisher
[props.lastReviewDate]dateWhen the charge item definition was last reviewed
[props.effectivePeriod]PeriodWhen the charge item definition is expected to be used
[props.code]CodeableConceptBilling codes or product types this definition applies to
[props.instance]ReferenceInstances this definition applies to
[props.applicability]BackboneElementWhether or not the billing code is applicable
[props.propertyGroup]BackboneElementGroup of properties which are applicable under the same conditions


citation(type, props)

Create a FHIR Citation resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.url]stringCanonical identifier for this citation, represented as a globally unique URI
[props.identifier]IdentifierIdentifier for the Citation resource itself
[props.version]stringBusiness version of the citation
[]stringName for this citation (computer friendly)
[props.title]stringName for this citation (human friendly)
[props.experimental]booleanFor testing purposes, not real usage
[]dateTimeDate last changed
[props.publisher]stringThe publisher of the Citation, not the publisher of the article or artifact being cited
[]ContactDetailContact details for the publisher of the Citation Resource
[props.description]markdownNatural language description of the citation
[props.useContext]UsageContextThe context that the Citation Resource content is intended to support
[props.jurisdiction]CodeableConceptIntended jurisdiction for citation (if applicable)
[props.purpose]markdownWhy this citation is defined
[props.copyright]markdownUse and/or publishing restrictions for the Citation, not for the cited artifact
[props.approvalDate]dateWhen the citation was approved by publisher
[props.lastReviewDate]dateWhen the citation was last reviewed
[props.effectivePeriod]PeriodWhen the citation is expected to be used
[]ContactDetailWho authored the Citation
[props.editor]ContactDetailWho edited the Citation
[props.reviewer]ContactDetailWho reviewed the Citation
[props.endorser]ContactDetailWho endorsed the Citation
[props.summary]BackboneElementA human-readable display of the citation
[props.classification]BackboneElementThe assignment to an organizing scheme
[props.note]AnnotationUsed for general notes and annotations not coded elsewhere
[props.currentState]CodeableConceptThe status of the citation
[props.statusDate]BackboneElementAn effective date or period for a status of the citation
[props.relatesTo]BackboneElementArtifact related to the Citation Resource
[props.citedArtifact]BackboneElementThe article or artifact being described


claim(type, props)

Create a FHIR Claim resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness Identifier for claim
[props.type]CodeableConceptCategory or discipline
[props.subType]CodeableConceptMore granular claim type
[props.patient]ReferenceThe recipient of the products and services
[props.billablePeriod]PeriodRelevant time frame for the claim
[props.created]dateTimeResource creation date
[props.enterer]ReferenceAuthor of the claim
[props.provider]ReferenceParty responsible for the claim
[props.priority]CodeableConceptDesired processing ugency
[props.fundsReserve]CodeableConceptFor whom to reserve funds
[props.related]BackboneElementPrior or corollary claims
[props.prescription]ReferencePrescription authorizing services and products
[props.originalPrescription]ReferenceOriginal prescription if superseded by fulfiller
[props.payee]BackboneElementRecipient of benefits payable
[props.referral]ReferenceTreatment referral
[props.facility]ReferenceServicing facility
[props.careTeam]BackboneElementMembers of the care team
[props.supportingInfo]BackboneElementSupporting information
[props.diagnosis]BackboneElementPertinent diagnosis information
[props.procedure]BackboneElementClinical procedures performed
[]BackboneElementPatient insurance information
[props.accident]BackboneElementDetails of the event
[props.item]BackboneElementProduct or service provided
[]MoneyTotal claim cost


claimResponse(type, props)

Create a FHIR ClaimResponse resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness Identifier for a claim response
[props.type]CodeableConceptMore granular claim type
[props.subType]CodeableConceptMore granular claim type
[props.patient]ReferenceThe recipient of the products and services
[props.created]dateTimeResponse creation date
[props.insurer]ReferenceParty responsible for reimbursement
[props.requestor]ReferenceParty responsible for the claim
[props.request]ReferenceId of resource triggering adjudication
[props.disposition]stringDisposition Message
[props.preAuthRef]stringPreauthorization reference
[props.preAuthPeriod]PeriodPreauthorization reference effective period
[props.payeeType]CodeableConceptParty to be paid any benefits payable
[props.item]BackboneElementAdjudication for claim line items
[props.addItem]BackboneElementInsurer added line items
[props.adjudication]anyHeader-level adjudication
[]BackboneElementAdjudication totals
[props.payment]BackboneElementPayment Details
[props.fundsReserve]CodeableConceptFunds reserved status
[props.formCode]CodeableConceptPrinted form identifier
[props.form]AttachmentPrinted reference or actual form
[props.processNote]BackboneElementNote concerning adjudication
[props.communicationRequest]ReferenceRequest for additional information
[]BackboneElementPatient insurance information
[props.error]BackboneElementProcessing errors


clinicalImpression(type, props)

Create a FHIR ClinicalImpression resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness identifier
[props.statusReason]CodeableConceptReason for current status
[props.code]CodeableConceptKind of assessment performed
[props.description]stringWhy/how the assessment was performed
[props.subject]ReferencePatient or group assessed
[props.encounter]ReferenceEncounter created as part of
[props.effective]dateTime | PeriodTime of assessment
[]dateTimeWhen the assessment was documented
[props.assessor]ReferenceThe clinician performing the assessment
[props.previous]ReferenceReference to last assessment
[props.problem]ReferenceRelevant impressions of patient state
[props.investigation]BackboneElementOne or more sets of investigations (signs, symptoms, etc.)
[props.protocol]stringClinical Protocol followed
[props.summary]stringSummary of the assessment
[props.finding]BackboneElementPossible or likely findings and diagnoses
[props.prognosisCodeableConcept]CodeableConceptEstimate of likely outcome
[props.prognosisReference]ReferenceRiskAssessment expressing likely outcome
[props.supportingInfo]ReferenceInformation supporting the clinical impression
[props.note]AnnotationComments made about the ClinicalImpression


clinicalUseDefinition(type, props)

Create a FHIR ClinicalUseDefinition resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness identifier for this issue
[props.category]CodeableConceptA categorisation of the issue, primarily for dividing warnings into subject heading areas such as "Pregnancy", "Overdose"
[props.subject]ReferenceThe medication or procedure for which this is an indication
[props.status]CodeableConceptWhether this is a current issue or one that has been retired etc
[props.contraindication]BackboneElementSpecifics for when this is a contraindication
[props.indication]BackboneElementSpecifics for when this is an indication
[props.interaction]BackboneElementSpecifics for when this is an interaction
[props.population]ReferenceThe population group to which this applies
[props.undesirableEffect]BackboneElementA possible negative outcome from the use of this treatment
[props.warning]BackboneElementCritical environmental, health or physical risks or hazards. For example 'Do not operate heavy machinery', 'May cause drowsiness'


communication(type, props)

Create a FHIR Communication resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierUnique identifier
[props.instantiatesCanonical]canonicalInstantiates FHIR protocol or definition
[props.instantiatesUri]stringInstantiates external protocol or definition
[props.basedOn]ReferenceRequest fulfilled by this communication
[props.partOf]ReferencePart of this action
[props.inResponseTo]ReferenceReply to
[props.statusReason]CodeableConceptReason for current status
[props.category]CodeableConceptMessage category
[props.medium]CodeableConceptA channel of communication
[props.subject]ReferenceFocus of message
[props.topic]CodeableConceptDescription of the purpose/content
[props.about]ReferenceResources that pertain to this communication
[props.encounter]ReferenceEncounter created as part of
[props.sent]dateTimeWhen sent
[props.received]dateTimeWhen received
[props.recipient]ReferenceMessage recipient
[props.sender]ReferenceMessage sender
[props.reasonCode]CodeableConceptIndication for message
[props.reasonReference]ReferenceWhy was communication done?
[props.payload]BackboneElementMessage payload
[props.note]AnnotationComments made about the communication


communicationRequest(type, props)

Create a FHIR CommunicationRequest resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierUnique identifier
[props.basedOn]ReferenceFulfills plan or proposal
[props.replaces]ReferenceRequest(s) replaced by this request
[props.groupIdentifier]IdentifierComposite request this is part of
[props.statusReason]CodeableConceptReason for current status
[props.category]CodeableConceptMessage category
[props.doNotPerform]booleanTrue if request is prohibiting action
[props.medium]CodeableConceptA channel of communication
[props.subject]ReferenceFocus of message
[props.about]ReferenceResources that pertain to this communication request
[props.encounter]ReferenceEncounter created as part of
[props.payload]BackboneElementMessage payload
[props.occurrence]dateTime | PeriodWhen scheduled
[props.authoredOn]dateTimeWhen request transitioned to being actionable
[props.requester]ReferenceWho/what is requesting service
[props.recipient]ReferenceMessage recipient
[props.sender]ReferenceMessage sender
[props.reasonCode]CodeableConceptWhy is communication needed?
[props.reasonReference]ReferenceWhy is communication needed?
[props.note]AnnotationComments made about communication request


contract(type, props)

Create a FHIR Contract resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierContract number
[props.url]stringBasal definition
[props.version]stringBusiness edition
[props.legalState]CodeableConceptNegotiation status
[props.instantiatesCanonical]ReferenceSource Contract Definition
[props.instantiatesUri]stringExternal Contract Definition
[props.contentDerivative]CodeableConceptContent derived from the basal information
[props.issued]dateTimeWhen this Contract was issued
[props.applies]PeriodEffective time
[props.expirationType]CodeableConceptContract cessation cause
[props.subject]ReferenceContract Target Entity
[props.authority]ReferenceAuthority under which this Contract has standing
[props.domain]ReferenceA sphere of control governed by an authoritative jurisdiction, organization, or person
[]ReferenceSpecific Location
[]stringComputer friendly designation
[props.title]stringHuman Friendly name
[props.subtitle]stringSubordinate Friendly name
[props.alias]stringAcronym or short name
[]ReferenceSource of Contract
[props.scope]CodeableConceptRange of Legal Concerns
[props.topic]CodeableConcept | ReferenceFocus of contract interest
[props.type]CodeableConceptLegal instrument category
[props.subType]CodeableConceptSubtype within the context of type
[props.contentDefinition]BackboneElementContract precursor content
[props.term]BackboneElementContract Term List
[props.supportingInfo]ReferenceExtra Information
[props.relevantHistory]ReferenceKey event in Contract History
[props.signer]BackboneElementContract Signatory
[props.friendly]BackboneElementContract Friendly Language
[]BackboneElementContract Legal Language
[props.rule]BackboneElementComputable Contract Language
[props.legallyBinding]Attachment | ReferenceBinding Contract


coverage(type, props)

Create a FHIR Coverage resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness Identifier for the coverage
[props.type]CodeableConceptCoverage category such as medical or accident
[props.policyHolder]ReferenceOwner of the policy
[props.subscriber]ReferenceSubscriber to the policy
[props.subscriberId]stringID assigned to the subscriber
[props.beneficiary]ReferencePlan beneficiary
[props.dependent]stringDependent number
[props.relationship]CodeableConceptBeneficiary relationship to the subscriber
[props.period]PeriodCoverage start and end dates
[props.payor]ReferenceIssuer of the policy
[props.class]BackboneElementAdditional coverage classifications
[props.order]numberRelative order of the coverage
[]stringInsurer network
[props.costToBeneficiary]BackboneElementPatient payments for services/products
[props.subrogation]booleanReimbursement to insurer
[props.contract]ReferenceContract details


coverageEligibilityRequest(type, props)

Create a FHIR CoverageEligibilityRequest resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness Identifier for coverage eligiblity request
[props.priority]CodeableConceptDesired processing priority
[props.patient]ReferenceIntended recipient of products and services
[props.serviced]date | PeriodEstimated date or dates of service
[props.created]dateTimeCreation date
[props.provider]ReferenceParty responsible for the request
[props.insurer]ReferenceCoverage issuer
[props.facility]ReferenceServicing facility
[props.supportingInfo]BackboneElementSupporting information
[]BackboneElementPatient insurance information
[props.item]BackboneElementItem to be evaluated for eligibiity


coverageEligibilityResponse(type, props)

Create a FHIR CoverageEligibilityResponse resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness Identifier for coverage eligiblity request
[props.patient]ReferenceIntended recipient of products and services
[props.serviced]date | PeriodEstimated date or dates of service
[props.created]dateTimeResponse creation date
[props.requestor]ReferenceParty responsible for the request
[props.request]ReferenceEligibility request reference
[props.disposition]stringDisposition Message
[props.insurer]ReferenceCoverage issuer
[]BackboneElementPatient insurance information
[props.preAuthRef]stringPreauthorization reference
[props.form]CodeableConceptPrinted form identifier
[props.error]BackboneElementProcessing errors


detectedIssue(type, props)

Create a FHIR DetectedIssue resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierUnique id for the detected issue
[props.code]CodeableConceptIssue Category, e.g. drug-drug, duplicate therapy, etc.
[props.patient]ReferenceAssociated patient
[props.identified]dateTime | PeriodWhen identified
[]ReferenceThe provider or device that identified the issue
[props.implicated]ReferenceProblem resource
[props.evidence]BackboneElementSupporting evidence
[props.detail]stringDescription and context
[props.reference]stringAuthority for issue
[props.mitigation]BackboneElementStep taken to address


device(type, props)

Create a FHIR Device resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierInstance identifier
[props.definition]ReferenceThe reference to the definition for the device
[props.udiCarrier]BackboneElementUnique Device Identifier (UDI) Barcode string
[props.distinctIdentifier]stringThe distinct identification string
[props.manufacturer]stringName of device manufacturer
[props.manufactureDate]dateTimeDate when the device was made
[props.expirationDate]dateTimeDate and time of expiry of this device (if applicable)
[props.lotNumber]stringLot number of manufacture
[props.serialNumber]stringSerial number assigned by the manufacturer
[props.deviceName]BackboneElementThe name of the device as given by the manufacturer
[props.modelNumber]stringThe manufacturer's model number for the device
[props.partNumber]stringThe part number or catalog number of the device
[props.type]CodeableConceptThe kind or type of device
[props.specialization]BackboneElementThe capabilities supported on a device, the standards to which the device conforms for a particular purpose, and used for the communication
[props.version]BackboneElementThe actual design of the device or software version running on the device
[]BackboneElementThe actual configuration settings of a device as it actually operates, e.g., regulation status, time properties
[props.patient]ReferencePatient to whom Device is affixed
[props.owner]ReferenceOrganization responsible for device
[]ContactPointDetails for human/organization for support
[props.location]ReferenceWhere the device is found
[props.url]stringNetwork address to contact device
[props.note]AnnotationDevice notes and comments
[]CodeableConceptSafety Characteristics of Device
[props.parent]ReferenceThe device that this device is attached to or is part of


deviceDefinition(type, props)

Create a FHIR DeviceDefinition resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierInstance identifier
[props.udiDeviceIdentifier]BackboneElementUnique Device Identifier (UDI) Barcode string
[props.manufacturer]string | ReferenceName of device manufacturer
[props.deviceName]BackboneElementA name given to the device to identify it
[props.modelNumber]stringThe model number for the device
[props.type]CodeableConceptWhat kind of device or device system this is
[props.specialization]BackboneElementThe capabilities supported on a device, the standards to which the device conforms for a particular purpose, and used for the communication
[props.version]stringAvailable versions
[]CodeableConceptSafety characteristics of the device
[props.shelfLifeStorage]ProductShelfLifeShelf Life and storage information
[props.physicalCharacteristics]ProdCharacteristicDimensions, color etc.
[props.languageCode]CodeableConceptLanguage code for the human-readable text strings produced by the device (all supported)
[props.capability]BackboneElementDevice capabilities
[]BackboneElementThe actual configuration settings of a device as it actually operates, e.g., regulation status, time properties
[props.owner]ReferenceOrganization responsible for device
[]ContactPointDetails for human/organization for support
[props.url]stringNetwork address to contact device
[props.onlineInformation]stringAccess to on-line information
[props.note]AnnotationDevice notes and comments
[props.quantity]QuantityThe quantity of the device present in the packaging (e.g. the number of devices present in a pack, or the number of devices in the same package of the medicinal product)
[props.parentDevice]ReferenceThe parent device it can be part of
[props.material]BackboneElementA substance used to create the material(s) of which the device is made


deviceMetric(type, props)

Create a FHIR DeviceMetric resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierInstance identifier
[props.type]CodeableConceptIdentity of metric, for example Heart Rate or PEEP Setting
[props.unit]CodeableConceptUnit of Measure for the Metric
[props.source]ReferenceDescribes the link to the source Device
[props.parent]ReferenceDescribes the link to the parent Device
[props.measurementPeriod]TimingDescribes the measurement repetition time
[props.calibration]BackboneElementDescribes the calibrations that have been performed or that are required to be performed


deviceRequest(type, props)

Create a FHIR DeviceRequest resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierExternal Request identifier
[props.instantiatesCanonical]canonicalInstantiates FHIR protocol or definition
[props.instantiatesUri]stringInstantiates external protocol or definition
[props.basedOn]ReferenceWhat request fulfills
[props.priorRequest]ReferenceWhat request replaces
[props.groupIdentifier]IdentifierIdentifier of composite request
[props.code]Reference | CodeableConceptDevice requested
[props.parameter]BackboneElementDevice details
[props.subject]ReferenceFocus of request
[props.encounter]ReferenceEncounter motivating request
[props.occurrence]dateTime | Period | TimingDesired time or schedule for use
[props.authoredOn]dateTimeWhen recorded
[props.requester]ReferenceWho/what is requesting diagnostics
[props.performerType]CodeableConceptFiller role
[props.performer]ReferenceRequested Filler
[props.reasonCode]CodeableConceptCoded Reason for request
[props.reasonReference]ReferenceLinked Reason for request
[]ReferenceAssociated insurance coverage
[props.supportingInfo]ReferenceAdditional clinical information
[props.note]AnnotationNotes or comments
[props.relevantHistory]ReferenceRequest provenance


deviceUseStatement(type, props)

Create a FHIR DeviceUseStatement resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierExternal identifier for this record
[props.basedOn]ReferenceFulfills plan, proposal or order
[props.subject]ReferencePatient using device
[props.derivedFrom]ReferenceSupporting information
[props.timing]Timing | Period | dateTimeHow often the device was used
[props.recordedOn]dateTimeWhen statement was recorded
[props.source]ReferenceWho made the statement
[props.device]ReferenceReference to device used
[props.reasonCode]CodeableConceptWhy device was used
[props.reasonReference]ReferenceWhy was DeviceUseStatement performed?
[props.bodySite]CodeableConceptTarget body site
[props.note]AnnotationAddition details (comments, instructions)


diagnosticReport(type, props)

Create a FHIR DiagnosticReport resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness identifier for report
[props.basedOn]ReferenceWhat was requested
[props.category]CodeableConceptService category
[props.code]CodeableConceptName/Code for this diagnostic report
[props.subject]ReferenceThe subject of the report - usually, but not always, the patient
[props.encounter]ReferenceHealth care event when test ordered
[props.effective]dateTime | PeriodClinically relevant time/time-period for report
[props.issued]instantDateTime this version was made
[props.performer]ReferenceResponsible Diagnostic Service
[props.resultsInterpreter]ReferencePrimary result interpreter
[props.specimen]ReferenceSpecimens this report is based on
[props.imagingStudy]ReferenceReference to full details of imaging associated with the diagnostic report
[]BackboneElementKey images associated with this report
[props.conclusion]stringClinical conclusion (interpretation) of test results
[props.conclusionCode]CodeableConceptCodes for the clinical conclusion of test results
[props.presentedForm]AttachmentEntire report as issued


domainResource(type, props)

Create a FHIR DomainResource resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).


encounter(type, props)

Create a FHIR Encounter resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierIdentifier(s) by which this encounter is known
[props.statusHistory]BackboneElementList of past encounter statuses
[props.class]CodingClassification of patient encounter
[props.classHistory]BackboneElementList of past encounter classes
[props.type]CodeableConceptSpecific type of encounter
[props.serviceType]CodeableConceptSpecific type of service
[props.priority]CodeableConceptIndicates the urgency of the encounter
[props.subject]ReferenceThe patient or group present at the encounter
[props.episodeOfCare]ReferenceEpisode(s) of care that this encounter should be recorded against
[props.basedOn]ReferenceThe ServiceRequest that initiated this encounter
[props.participant]BackboneElementList of participants involved in the encounter
[props.appointment]ReferenceThe appointment that scheduled this encounter
[props.period]PeriodThe start and end time of the encounter
[props.length]DurationQuantity of time the encounter lasted (less time absent)
[props.reasonCode]CodeableConceptCoded reason the encounter takes place
[props.reasonReference]ReferenceReason the encounter takes place (reference)
[props.diagnosis]BackboneElementThe list of diagnosis relevant to this encounter
[props.account]ReferenceThe set of accounts that may be used for billing for this Encounter
[props.hospitalization]BackboneElementDetails about the admission to a healthcare service
[props.location]BackboneElementList of locations where the patient has been
[props.serviceProvider]ReferenceThe organization (facility) responsible for this encounter
[props.partOf]ReferenceAnother Encounter this encounter is part of


enrollmentRequest(type, props)

Create a FHIR EnrollmentRequest resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness Identifier
[props.created]dateTimeCreation date
[props.provider]ReferenceResponsible practitioner
[props.candidate]ReferenceThe subject to be enrolled
[props.coverage]ReferenceInsurance information


enrollmentResponse(type, props)

Create a FHIR EnrollmentResponse resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness Identifier
[props.request]ReferenceClaim reference
[props.disposition]stringDisposition Message
[props.created]dateTimeCreation date
[props.requestProvider]ReferenceResponsible practitioner


episodeOfCare(type, props)

Create a FHIR EpisodeOfCare resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness Identifier(s) relevant for this EpisodeOfCare
[props.statusHistory]BackboneElementPast list of status codes (the current status may be included to cover the start date of the status)
[props.type]CodeableConceptType/class - e.g. specialist referral, disease management
[props.diagnosis]BackboneElementThe list of diagnosis relevant to this episode of care
[props.patient]ReferenceThe patient who is the focus of this episode of care
[props.managingOrganization]ReferenceOrganization that assumes care
[props.period]PeriodInterval during responsibility is assumed
[props.referralRequest]ReferenceOriginating Referral Request(s)
[props.careManager]ReferenceCare manager/care coordinator for the patient
[]ReferenceOther practitioners facilitating this episode of care
[props.account]ReferenceThe set of accounts that may be used for billing for this EpisodeOfCare


eventDefinition(type, props)

Create a FHIR EventDefinition resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.url]stringCanonical identifier for this event definition, represented as a URI (globally unique)
[props.identifier]IdentifierAdditional identifier for the event definition
[props.version]stringBusiness version of the event definition
[]stringName for this event definition (computer friendly)
[props.title]stringName for this event definition (human friendly)
[props.subtitle]stringSubordinate title of the event definition
[props.experimental]booleanFor testing purposes, not real usage
[props.subject]CodeableConcept | ReferenceType of individual the event definition is focused on
[]dateTimeDate last changed
[props.publisher]stringName of the publisher (organization or individual)
[]ContactDetailContact details for the publisher
[props.description]markdownNatural language description of the event definition
[props.useContext]UsageContextThe context that the content is intended to support
[props.jurisdiction]CodeableConceptIntended jurisdiction for event definition (if applicable)
[props.purpose]markdownWhy this event definition is defined
[props.usage]stringDescribes the clinical usage of the event definition
[props.copyright]markdownUse and/or publishing restrictions
[props.approvalDate]dateWhen the event definition was approved by publisher
[props.lastReviewDate]dateWhen the event definition was last reviewed
[props.effectivePeriod]PeriodWhen the event definition is expected to be used
[props.topic]CodeableConceptE.g. Education, Treatment, Assessment, etc.
[]ContactDetailWho authored the content
[props.editor]ContactDetailWho edited the content
[props.reviewer]ContactDetailWho reviewed the content
[props.endorser]ContactDetailWho endorsed the content
[props.relatedArtifact]RelatedArtifactAdditional documentation, citations, etc.
[props.trigger]TriggerDefinition"when" the event occurs (multiple = 'or')


evidence(type, props)

Create a FHIR Evidence resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.url]stringCanonical identifier for this evidence, represented as a globally unique URI
[props.identifier]IdentifierAdditional identifier for the summary
[props.version]stringBusiness version of this summary
[props.title]stringName for this summary (human friendly)
[props.citeAs]Reference | markdownCitation for this evidence
[]dateTimeDate last changed
[props.useContext]UsageContextThe context that the content is intended to support
[props.approvalDate]dateWhen the summary was approved by publisher
[props.lastReviewDate]dateWhen the summary was last reviewed
[props.publisher]stringName of the publisher (organization or individual)
[]ContactDetailContact details for the publisher
[]ContactDetailWho authored the content
[props.editor]ContactDetailWho edited the content
[props.reviewer]ContactDetailWho reviewed the content
[props.endorser]ContactDetailWho endorsed the content
[props.relatedArtifact]RelatedArtifactLink or citation to artifact associated with the summary
[props.description]markdownDescription of the particular summary
[props.assertion]markdownDeclarative description of the Evidence
[props.note]AnnotationFootnotes and/or explanatory notes
[props.variableDefinition]BackboneElementEvidence variable such as population, exposure, or outcome
[props.synthesisType]CodeableConceptThe method to combine studies
[props.studyType]CodeableConceptThe type of study that produced this evidence
[props.statistic]BackboneElementValues and parameters for a single statistic
[props.certainty]BackboneElementCertainty or quality of the evidence


evidenceReport(type, props)

Create a FHIR EvidenceReport resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.url]stringCanonical identifier for this EvidenceReport, represented as a globally unique URI
[props.useContext]UsageContextThe context that the content is intended to support
[props.identifier]IdentifierUnique identifier for the evidence report
[props.relatedIdentifier]IdentifierIdentifiers for articles that may relate to more than one evidence report
[props.citeAs]Reference | markdownCitation for this report
[props.type]CodeableConceptKind of report
[props.note]AnnotationUsed for footnotes and annotations
[props.relatedArtifact]RelatedArtifactLink, description or reference to artifact associated with the report
[props.subject]BackboneElementFocus of the report
[props.publisher]stringName of the publisher (organization or individual)
[]ContactDetailContact details for the publisher
[]ContactDetailWho authored the content
[props.editor]ContactDetailWho edited the content
[props.reviewer]ContactDetailWho reviewed the content
[props.endorser]ContactDetailWho endorsed the content
[props.relatesTo]BackboneElementRelationships to other compositions/documents
[props.section]BackboneElementComposition is broken into sections


evidenceVariable(type, props)

Create a FHIR EvidenceVariable resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.url]stringCanonical identifier for this evidence variable, represented as a URI (globally unique)
[props.identifier]IdentifierAdditional identifier for the evidence variable
[props.version]stringBusiness version of the evidence variable
[]stringName for this evidence variable (computer friendly)
[props.title]stringName for this evidence variable (human friendly)
[props.shortTitle]stringTitle for use in informal contexts
[props.subtitle]stringSubordinate title of the EvidenceVariable
[]dateTimeDate last changed
[props.description]markdownNatural language description of the evidence variable
[props.note]AnnotationUsed for footnotes or explanatory notes
[props.useContext]UsageContextThe context that the content is intended to support
[props.publisher]stringName of the publisher (organization or individual)
[]ContactDetailContact details for the publisher
[]ContactDetailWho authored the content
[props.editor]ContactDetailWho edited the content
[props.reviewer]ContactDetailWho reviewed the content
[props.endorser]ContactDetailWho endorsed the content
[props.relatedArtifact]RelatedArtifactAdditional documentation, citations, etc.
[props.actual]booleanActual or conceptual
[props.characteristic]BackboneElementWhat defines the members of the evidence element
[props.category]BackboneElementA grouping for ordinal or polychotomous variables


explanationOfBenefit(type, props)

Create a FHIR ExplanationOfBenefit resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness Identifier for the resource
[props.type]CodeableConceptCategory or discipline
[props.subType]CodeableConceptMore granular claim type
[props.patient]ReferenceThe recipient of the products and services
[props.billablePeriod]PeriodRelevant time frame for the claim
[props.created]dateTimeResponse creation date
[props.enterer]ReferenceAuthor of the claim
[props.insurer]ReferenceParty responsible for reimbursement
[props.provider]ReferenceParty responsible for the claim
[props.priority]CodeableConceptDesired processing urgency
[props.fundsReserveRequested]CodeableConceptFor whom to reserve funds
[props.fundsReserve]CodeableConceptFunds reserved status
[props.related]BackboneElementPrior or corollary claims
[props.prescription]ReferencePrescription authorizing services or products
[props.originalPrescription]ReferenceOriginal prescription if superceded by fulfiller
[props.payee]BackboneElementRecipient of benefits payable
[props.referral]ReferenceTreatment Referral
[props.facility]ReferenceServicing Facility
[props.claim]ReferenceClaim reference
[props.claimResponse]ReferenceClaim response reference
[props.disposition]stringDisposition Message
[props.preAuthRef]stringPreauthorization reference
[props.preAuthRefPeriod]PeriodPreauthorization in-effect period
[props.careTeam]BackboneElementCare Team members
[props.supportingInfo]BackboneElementSupporting information
[props.diagnosis]BackboneElementPertinent diagnosis information
[props.procedure]BackboneElementClinical procedures performed
[props.precedence]numberPrecedence (primary, secondary, etc.)
[]BackboneElementPatient insurance information
[props.accident]BackboneElementDetails of the event
[props.item]BackboneElementProduct or service provided
[props.addItem]BackboneElementInsurer added line items
[props.adjudication]anyHeader-level adjudication
[]BackboneElementAdjudication totals
[props.payment]BackboneElementPayment Details
[props.formCode]CodeableConceptPrinted form identifier
[props.form]AttachmentPrinted reference or actual form
[props.processNote]BackboneElementNote concerning adjudication
[props.benefitPeriod]PeriodWhen the benefits are applicable
[props.benefitBalance]BackboneElementBalance by Benefit Category


familyMemberHistory(type, props)

Create a FHIR FamilyMemberHistory resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierExternal Id(s) for this record
[props.instantiatesCanonical]canonicalInstantiates FHIR protocol or definition
[props.instantiatesUri]stringInstantiates external protocol or definition
[props.patient]ReferencePatient history is about
[]dateTimeWhen history was recorded or last updated
[]stringThe family member described
[props.relationship]CodeableConceptRelationship to the subject
[props.born]Period | date | string(approximate) date of birth
[props.age]Age | Range | string(approximate) age
[props.estimatedAge]booleanAge is estimated?
[props.deceased]boolean | Age | Range | date | stringDead? How old/when?
[props.reasonCode]CodeableConceptWhy was family member history performed?
[props.reasonReference]ReferenceWhy was family member history performed?
[props.note]AnnotationGeneral note about related person
[props.condition]BackboneElementCondition that the related person had


flag(type, props)

Create a FHIR Flag resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness identifier
[props.category]CodeableConceptClinical, administrative, etc.
[props.code]CodeableConceptCoded or textual message to display to user
[props.subject]ReferenceWho/What is flag about?
[props.period]PeriodTime period when flag is active
[props.encounter]ReferenceAlert relevant during encounter
[]ReferenceFlag creator


goal(type, props)

Create a FHIR Goal resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierExternal Ids for this goal
[props.category]CodeableConceptE.g. Treatment, dietary, behavioral, etc.
[props.description]CodeableConceptCode or text describing goal
[props.subject]ReferenceWho this goal is intended for
[props.start]date | CodeableConceptWhen goal pursuit begins
[]BackboneElementTarget outcome for the goal
[props.statusDate]dateWhen goal status took effect
[props.statusReason]stringReason for current status
[props.expressedBy]ReferenceWho's responsible for creating Goal?
[props.addresses]ReferenceIssues addressed by this goal
[props.note]AnnotationComments about the goal
[props.outcomeCode]CodeableConceptWhat result was achieved regarding the goal?
[props.outcomeReference]ReferenceObservation that resulted from goal

group(type, props)

Create a FHIR Group resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierUnique id
[]booleanWhether this group's record is in active use
[props.actual]booleanDescriptive or actual
[props.code]CodeableConceptKind of Group members
[]stringLabel for Group
[props.quantity]unsignedIntNumber of members
[props.managingEntity]ReferenceEntity that is the custodian of the Group's definition
[props.characteristic]BackboneElementInclude / Exclude group members by Trait
[props.member]BackboneElementWho or what is in group


guidanceResponse(type, props)

Create a FHIR GuidanceResponse resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.requestIdentifier]IdentifierThe identifier of the request associated with this response, if any
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness identifier
[props.module]string | canonical | CodeableConceptWhat guidance was requested
[props.subject]ReferencePatient the request was performed for
[props.encounter]ReferenceEncounter during which the response was returned
[props.occurrenceDateTime]dateTimeWhen the guidance response was processed
[props.performer]ReferenceDevice returning the guidance
[props.reasonCode]CodeableConceptWhy guidance is needed
[props.reasonReference]ReferenceWhy guidance is needed
[props.note]AnnotationAdditional notes about the response
[props.evaluationMessage]ReferenceMessages resulting from the evaluation of the artifact or artifacts
[props.outputParameters]ReferenceThe output parameters of the evaluation, if any
[props.result]ReferenceProposed actions, if any
[props.dataRequirement]DataRequirementAdditional required data


healthcareService(type, props)

Create a FHIR HealthcareService resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierExternal identifiers for this item
[]booleanWhether this HealthcareService record is in active use
[props.providedBy]ReferenceOrganization that provides this service
[props.category]CodeableConceptBroad category of service being performed or delivered
[props.type]CodeableConceptType of service that may be delivered or performed
[props.specialty]CodeableConceptSpecialties handled by the HealthcareService
[props.location]ReferenceLocation(s) where service may be provided
[]stringDescription of service as presented to a consumer while searching
[props.comment]stringAdditional description and/or any specific issues not covered elsewhere
[props.extraDetails]markdownExtra details about the service that can't be placed in the other fields
[]AttachmentFacilitates quick identification of the service
[props.telecom]ContactPointContacts related to the healthcare service
[props.coverageArea]ReferenceLocation(s) service is intended for/available to
[props.serviceProvisionCode]CodeableConceptConditions under which service is available/offered
[props.eligibility]BackboneElementSpecific eligibility requirements required to use the service
[props.program]CodeableConceptPrograms that this service is applicable to
[props.characteristic]CodeableConceptCollection of characteristics (attributes)
[props.communication]CodeableConceptThe language that this service is offered in
[props.referralMethod]CodeableConceptWays that the service accepts referrals
[props.appointmentRequired]booleanIf an appointment is required for access to this service
[props.availableTime]BackboneElementTimes the Service Site is available
[props.notAvailable]BackboneElementNot available during this time due to provided reason
[props.availabilityExceptions]stringDescription of availability exceptions
[props.endpoint]ReferenceTechnical endpoints providing access to electronic services operated for the healthcare service


imagingStudy(type, props)

Create a FHIR ImagingStudy resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierIdentifiers for the whole study
[props.modality]CodingAll series modality if actual acquisition modalities
[props.subject]ReferenceWho or what is the subject of the study
[props.encounter]ReferenceEncounter with which this imaging study is associated
[props.started]dateTimeWhen the study was started
[props.basedOn]ReferenceRequest fulfilled
[props.referrer]ReferenceReferring physician
[props.interpreter]ReferenceWho interpreted images
[props.endpoint]ReferenceStudy access endpoint
[props.numberOfSeries]unsignedIntNumber of Study Related Series
[props.numberOfInstances]unsignedIntNumber of Study Related Instances
[props.procedureReference]ReferenceThe performed Procedure reference
[props.procedureCode]CodeableConceptThe performed procedure code
[props.location]ReferenceWhere ImagingStudy occurred
[props.reasonCode]CodeableConceptWhy the study was requested
[props.reasonReference]ReferenceWhy was study performed
[props.note]AnnotationUser-defined comments
[props.description]stringInstitution-generated description
[props.series]BackboneElementEach study has one or more series of instances


immunization(type, props)

Create a FHIR Immunization resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness identifier
[props.statusReason]CodeableConceptReason not done
[props.vaccineCode]CodeableConceptVaccine product administered
[props.patient]ReferenceWho was immunized
[props.encounter]ReferenceEncounter immunization was part of
[props.occurrence]dateTime | stringVaccine administration date
[props.recorded]dateTimeWhen the immunization was first captured in the subject's record
[props.primarySource]booleanIndicates context the data was recorded in
[props.reportOrigin]CodeableConceptIndicates the source of a secondarily reported record
[props.location]ReferenceWhere immunization occurred
[props.manufacturer]ReferenceVaccine manufacturer
[props.lotNumber]stringVaccine lot number
[props.expirationDate]dateVaccine expiration date
[]CodeableConceptBody site vaccine was administered
[props.route]CodeableConceptHow vaccine entered body
[props.doseQuantity]QuantityAmount of vaccine administered
[props.performer]BackboneElementWho performed event
[props.note]AnnotationAdditional immunization notes
[props.reasonCode]CodeableConceptWhy immunization occurred
[props.reasonReference]ReferenceWhy immunization occurred
[props.isSubpotent]booleanDose potency
[props.subpotentReason]CodeableConceptReason for being subpotent
[]BackboneElementEducational material presented to patient
[props.programEligibility]CodeableConceptPatient eligibility for a vaccination program
[props.fundingSource]CodeableConceptFunding source for the vaccine
[props.reaction]BackboneElementDetails of a reaction that follows immunization
[props.protocolApplied]BackboneElementProtocol followed by the provider


immunizationEvaluation(type, props)

Create a FHIR ImmunizationEvaluation resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness identifier
[props.patient]ReferenceWho this evaluation is for
[]dateTimeDate evaluation was performed
[props.authority]ReferenceWho is responsible for publishing the recommendations
[props.targetDisease]CodeableConceptEvaluation target disease
[props.immunizationEvent]ReferenceImmunization being evaluated
[props.doseStatus]CodeableConceptStatus of the dose relative to published recommendations
[props.doseStatusReason]CodeableConceptReason for the dose status
[props.description]stringEvaluation notes
[props.series]stringName of vaccine series
[props.doseNumber]number | stringDose number within series
[props.seriesDoses]number | stringRecommended number of doses for immunity


immunizationRecommendation(type, props)

Create a FHIR ImmunizationRecommendation resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness identifier
[props.patient]ReferenceWho this profile is for
[]dateTimeDate recommendation(s) created
[props.authority]ReferenceWho is responsible for protocol
[props.recommendation]BackboneElementVaccine administration recommendations


ingredient(type, props)

Create a FHIR Ingredient resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierAn identifier or code by which the ingredient can be referenced
[props.for]ReferenceThe product which this ingredient is a constituent part of
[props.role]CodeableConceptPurpose of the ingredient within the product, e.g. active, inactive
[props.function]CodeableConceptPrecise action within the drug product, e.g. antioxidant, alkalizing agent
[props.allergenicIndicator]booleanIf the ingredient is a known or suspected allergen
[props.manufacturer]BackboneElementAn organization that manufactures this ingredient
[props.substance]BackboneElementThe substance that comprises this ingredient


insurancePlan(type, props)

Create a FHIR InsurancePlan resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness Identifier for Product
[props.type]CodeableConceptKind of product
[]stringOfficial name
[props.alias]stringAlternate names
[props.period]PeriodWhen the product is available
[props.ownedBy]ReferencePlan issuer
[props.administeredBy]ReferenceProduct administrator
[props.coverageArea]ReferenceWhere product applies
[]BackboneElementContact for the product
[props.endpoint]ReferenceTechnical endpoint
[]ReferenceWhat networks are Included
[props.coverage]BackboneElementCoverage details
[props.plan]BackboneElementPlan details


invoice(type, props)

Create a FHIR Invoice resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness Identifier for item
[props.cancelledReason]stringReason for cancellation of this Invoice
[props.type]CodeableConceptType of Invoice
[props.subject]ReferenceRecipient(s) of goods and services
[props.recipient]ReferenceRecipient of this invoice
[]dateTimeInvoice date / posting date
[props.participant]BackboneElementParticipant in creation of this Invoice
[props.issuer]ReferenceIssuing Organization of Invoice
[props.account]ReferenceAccount that is being balanced
[props.lineItem]BackboneElementLine items of this Invoice
[props.totalPriceComponent]anyComponents of Invoice total
[props.totalNet]MoneyNet total of this Invoice
[props.totalGross]MoneyGross total of this Invoice
[props.paymentTerms]markdownPayment details
[props.note]AnnotationComments made about the invoice


library(type, props)

Create a FHIR Library resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.url]stringCanonical identifier for this library, represented as a URI (globally unique)
[props.identifier]IdentifierAdditional identifier for the library
[props.version]stringBusiness version of the library
[]stringName for this library (computer friendly)
[props.title]stringName for this library (human friendly)
[props.subtitle]stringSubordinate title of the library
[props.experimental]booleanFor testing purposes, not real usage
[props.subject]CodeableConcept | ReferenceType of individual the library content is focused on
[]dateTimeDate last changed
[props.publisher]stringName of the publisher (organization or individual)
[]ContactDetailContact details for the publisher
[props.description]markdownNatural language description of the library
[props.useContext]UsageContextThe context that the content is intended to support
[props.jurisdiction]CodeableConceptIntended jurisdiction for library (if applicable)
[props.purpose]markdownWhy this library is defined
[props.usage]stringDescribes the clinical usage of the library
[props.copyright]markdownUse and/or publishing restrictions
[props.approvalDate]dateWhen the library was approved by publisher
[props.lastReviewDate]dateWhen the library was last reviewed
[props.effectivePeriod]PeriodWhen the library is expected to be used
[props.topic]CodeableConceptE.g. Education, Treatment, Assessment, etc.
[]ContactDetailWho authored the content
[props.editor]ContactDetailWho edited the content
[props.reviewer]ContactDetailWho reviewed the content
[props.endorser]ContactDetailWho endorsed the content
[props.relatedArtifact]RelatedArtifactAdditional documentation, citations, etc.
[props.parameter]ParameterDefinitionParameters defined by the library
[props.dataRequirement]DataRequirementWhat data is referenced by this library
[props.content]AttachmentContents of the library, either embedded or referenced


list(type, props)

Create a FHIR List resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness identifier
[props.title]stringDescriptive name for the list
[props.code]CodeableConceptWhat the purpose of this list is
[props.subject]ReferenceIf all resources have the same subject
[props.encounter]ReferenceContext in which list created
[]dateTimeWhen the list was prepared
[props.source]ReferenceWho and/or what defined the list contents (aka Author)
[props.orderedBy]CodeableConceptWhat order the list has
[props.note]AnnotationComments about the list
[props.entry]BackboneElementEntries in the list
[props.emptyReason]CodeableConceptWhy list is empty


location(type, props)

Create a FHIR Location resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierUnique code or number identifying the location to its users
[props.operationalStatus]CodingThe operational status of the location (typically only for a bed/room)
[]stringName of the location as used by humans
[props.alias]stringA list of alternate names that the location is known as, or was known as, in the past
[props.description]stringAdditional details about the location that could be displayed as further information to identify the location beyond its name
[props.type]CodeableConceptType of function performed
[props.telecom]ContactPointContact details of the location
[props.address]AddressPhysical location
[props.physicalType]CodeableConceptPhysical form of the location
[props.position]BackboneElementThe absolute geographic location
[props.managingOrganization]ReferenceOrganization responsible for provisioning and upkeep
[props.partOf]ReferenceAnother Location this one is physically a part of
[props.hoursOfOperation]BackboneElementWhat days/times during a week is this location usually open
[props.availabilityExceptions]stringDescription of availability exceptions
[props.endpoint]ReferenceTechnical endpoints providing access to services operated for the location


manufacturedItemDefinition(type, props)

Create a FHIR ManufacturedItemDefinition resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierUnique identifier
[props.manufacturedDoseForm]CodeableConceptDose form as manufactured (before any necessary transformation)
[props.unitOfPresentation]CodeableConceptThe “real world” units in which the quantity of the item is described
[props.manufacturer]ReferenceManufacturer of the item (Note that this should be named "manufacturer" but it currently causes technical issues)
[props.ingredient]CodeableConceptThe ingredients of this manufactured item. Only needed if these are not specified by incoming references from the Ingredient resource
[]BackboneElementGeneral characteristics of this item


measure(type, props)

Create a FHIR Measure resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.url]stringCanonical identifier for this measure, represented as a URI (globally unique)
[props.identifier]IdentifierAdditional identifier for the measure
[props.version]stringBusiness version of the measure
[]stringName for this measure (computer friendly)
[props.title]stringName for this measure (human friendly)
[props.subtitle]stringSubordinate title of the measure
[props.experimental]booleanFor testing purposes, not real usage
[props.subject]CodeableConcept | ReferenceE.g. Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson, Organization, Location, Device
[]dateTimeDate last changed
[props.publisher]stringName of the publisher (organization or individual)
[]ContactDetailContact details for the publisher
[props.description]markdownNatural language description of the measure
[props.useContext]UsageContextThe context that the content is intended to support
[props.jurisdiction]CodeableConceptIntended jurisdiction for measure (if applicable)
[props.purpose]markdownWhy this measure is defined
[props.usage]stringDescribes the clinical usage of the measure
[props.copyright]markdownUse and/or publishing restrictions
[props.approvalDate]dateWhen the measure was approved by publisher
[props.lastReviewDate]dateWhen the measure was last reviewed
[props.effectivePeriod]PeriodWhen the measure is expected to be used
[props.topic]CodeableConceptThe category of the measure, such as Education, Treatment, Assessment, etc.
[]ContactDetailWho authored the content
[props.editor]ContactDetailWho edited the content
[props.reviewer]ContactDetailWho reviewed the content
[props.endorser]ContactDetailWho endorsed the content
[props.relatedArtifact]RelatedArtifactAdditional documentation, citations, etc.
[props.library]canonicalLogic used by the measure
[props.disclaimer]markdownDisclaimer for use of the measure or its referenced content
[props.riskAdjustment]stringHow risk adjustment is applied for this measure
[props.rateAggregation]stringHow is rate aggregation performed for this measure
[props.rationale]markdownDetailed description of why the measure exists
[props.clinicalRecommendationStatement]markdownSummary of clinical guidelines
[props.definition]markdownDefined terms used in the measure documentation
[props.guidance]markdownAdditional guidance for implementers
[]BackboneElementPopulation criteria group
[props.supplementalData]BackboneElementWhat other data should be reported with the measure


measureReport(type, props)

Create a FHIR MeasureReport resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierAdditional identifier for the MeasureReport
[props.measure]canonicalWhat measure was calculated
[props.subject]ReferenceWhat individual(s) the report is for
[]dateTimeWhen the report was generated
[props.reporter]ReferenceWho is reporting the data
[props.period]PeriodWhat period the report covers
[]BackboneElementMeasure results for each group
[props.evaluatedResource]ReferenceWhat data was used to calculate the measure score

media(type, props)

Create a FHIR Media resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierIdentifier(s) for the image
[props.basedOn]ReferenceProcedure that caused this media to be created
[props.partOf]ReferencePart of referenced event
[props.type]CodeableConceptClassification of media as image, video, or audio
[props.modality]CodeableConceptThe type of acquisition equipment/process
[props.view]CodeableConceptImaging view, e.g. Lateral or Antero-posterior
[props.subject]ReferenceWho/What this Media is a record of
[props.encounter]ReferenceEncounter associated with media
[props.created]dateTime | PeriodWhen Media was collected
[props.issued]instantDate/Time this version was made available
[props.operator]ReferenceThe person who generated the image
[props.reasonCode]CodeableConceptWhy was event performed?
[props.bodySite]CodeableConceptObserved body part
[props.deviceName]stringName of the device/manufacturer
[props.device]ReferenceObserving Device
[props.height]numberHeight of the image in pixels (photo/video)
[props.width]numberWidth of the image in pixels (photo/video)
[props.frames]numberNumber of frames if > 1 (photo)
[props.duration]decimalLength in seconds (audio / video)
[props.content]AttachmentActual Media - reference or data
[props.note]AnnotationComments made about the media


medication(type, props)

Create a FHIR Medication resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness identifier for this medication
[props.code]CodeableConceptCodes that identify this medication
[props.manufacturer]ReferenceManufacturer of the item
[props.amount]RatioAmount of drug in package
[props.ingredient]BackboneElementActive or inactive ingredient
[props.batch]BackboneElementDetails about packaged medications


medicationAdministration(type, props)

Create a FHIR MedicationAdministration resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierExternal identifier
[props.instantiates]stringInstantiates protocol or definition
[props.partOf]ReferencePart of referenced event
[props.statusReason]CodeableConceptReason administration not performed
[props.category]CodeableConceptType of medication usage
[props.medication]CodeableConcept | ReferenceWhat was administered
[props.subject]ReferenceWho received medication
[props.context]ReferenceEncounter or Episode of Care administered as part of
[props.supportingInformation]ReferenceAdditional information to support administration
[props.effective]dateTime | PeriodStart and end time of administration
[props.performer]BackboneElementWho performed the medication administration and what they did
[props.reasonCode]CodeableConceptReason administration performed
[props.reasonReference]ReferenceCondition or observation that supports why the medication was administered
[props.request]ReferenceRequest administration performed against
[props.device]ReferenceDevice used to administer
[props.note]AnnotationInformation about the administration
[props.dosage]BackboneElementDetails of how medication was taken
[props.eventHistory]ReferenceA list of events of interest in the lifecycle


medicationDispense(type, props)

Create a FHIR MedicationDispense resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierExternal identifier
[props.partOf]ReferenceEvent that dispense is part of
[props.statusReason]CodeableConcept | ReferenceWhy a dispense was not performed
[props.category]CodeableConceptType of medication dispense
[props.medication]CodeableConcept | ReferenceWhat medication was supplied
[props.subject]ReferenceWho the dispense is for
[props.context]ReferenceEncounter / Episode associated with event
[props.supportingInformation]ReferenceInformation that supports the dispensing of the medication
[props.performer]BackboneElementWho performed event
[props.location]ReferenceWhere the dispense occurred
[props.authorizingPrescription]ReferenceMedication order that authorizes the dispense
[props.type]CodeableConceptTrial fill, partial fill, emergency fill, etc.
[props.quantity]QuantityAmount dispensed
[props.daysSupply]QuantityAmount of medication expressed as a timing amount
[props.whenPrepared]dateTimeWhen product was packaged and reviewed
[props.whenHandedOver]dateTimeWhen product was given out
[props.destination]ReferenceWhere the medication was sent
[props.receiver]ReferenceWho collected the medication
[props.note]AnnotationInformation about the dispense
[props.dosageInstruction]DosageHow the medication is to be used by the patient or administered by the caregiver
[props.substitution]BackboneElementWhether a substitution was performed on the dispense
[props.detectedIssue]ReferenceClinical issue with action
[props.eventHistory]ReferenceA list of relevant lifecycle events


medicationKnowledge(type, props)

Create a FHIR MedicationKnowledge resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.code]CodeableConceptCode that identifies this medication
[props.manufacturer]ReferenceManufacturer of the item
[props.amount]QuantityAmount of drug in package
[props.synonym]stringAdditional names for a medication
[props.relatedMedicationKnowledge]BackboneElementAssociated or related medication information
[props.associatedMedication]ReferenceA medication resource that is associated with this medication
[props.productType]CodeableConceptCategory of the medication or product
[props.monograph]BackboneElementAssociated documentation about the medication
[props.ingredient]BackboneElementActive or inactive ingredient
[props.preparationInstruction]markdownThe instructions for preparing the medication
[props.intendedRoute]CodeableConceptThe intended or approved route of administration
[props.cost]BackboneElementThe pricing of the medication
[props.monitoringProgram]BackboneElementProgram under which a medication is reviewed
[props.administrationGuidelines]BackboneElementGuidelines for administration of the medication
[props.medicineClassification]BackboneElementCategorization of the medication within a formulary or classification system
[props.packaging]BackboneElementDetails about packaged medications
[props.drugCharacteristic]BackboneElementSpecifies descriptive properties of the medicine
[props.contraindication]ReferencePotential clinical issue with or between medication(s)
[props.regulatory]BackboneElementRegulatory information about a medication
[props.kinetics]BackboneElementThe time course of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of a medication from the body


medicationRequest(type, props)

Create a FHIR MedicationRequest resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierExternal ids for this request
[props.statusReason]CodeableConceptReason for current status
[props.category]CodeableConceptType of medication usage
[props.doNotPerform]booleanTrue if request is prohibiting action
[props.reported]boolean | ReferenceReported rather than primary record
[props.medication]CodeableConcept | ReferenceMedication to be taken
[props.subject]ReferenceWho or group medication request is for
[props.encounter]ReferenceEncounter created as part of encounter/admission/stay
[props.supportingInformation]ReferenceInformation to support ordering of the medication
[props.authoredOn]dateTimeWhen request was initially authored
[props.requester]ReferenceWho/What requested the Request
[props.performer]ReferenceIntended performer of administration
[props.performerType]CodeableConceptDesired kind of performer of the medication administration
[props.recorder]ReferencePerson who entered the request
[props.reasonCode]CodeableConceptReason or indication for ordering or not ordering the medication
[props.reasonReference]ReferenceCondition or observation that supports why the prescription is being written
[props.instantiatesCanonical]canonicalInstantiates FHIR protocol or definition
[props.instantiatesUri]stringInstantiates external protocol or definition
[props.basedOn]ReferenceWhat request fulfills
[props.groupIdentifier]IdentifierComposite request this is part of
[props.courseOfTherapyType]CodeableConceptOverall pattern of medication administration
[]ReferenceAssociated insurance coverage
[props.note]AnnotationInformation about the prescription
[props.dosageInstruction]DosageHow the medication should be taken
[props.dispenseRequest]BackboneElementMedication supply authorization
[props.substitution]BackboneElementAny restrictions on medication substitution
[props.priorPrescription]ReferenceAn order/prescription that is being replaced
[props.detectedIssue]ReferenceClinical Issue with action
[props.eventHistory]ReferenceA list of events of interest in the lifecycle


medicationStatement(type, props)

Create a FHIR MedicationStatement resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierExternal identifier
[props.basedOn]ReferenceFulfils plan, proposal or order
[props.partOf]ReferencePart of referenced event
[props.statusReason]CodeableConceptReason for current status
[props.category]CodeableConceptType of medication usage
[props.medication]CodeableConcept | ReferenceWhat medication was taken
[props.subject]ReferenceWho is/was taking the medication
[props.context]ReferenceEncounter / Episode associated with MedicationStatement
[props.effective]dateTime | PeriodThe date/time or interval when the medication is/was/will be taken
[props.dateAsserted]dateTimeWhen the statement was asserted?
[props.informationSource]ReferencePerson or organization that provided the information about the taking of this medication
[props.derivedFrom]ReferenceAdditional supporting information
[props.reasonCode]CodeableConceptReason for why the medication is being/was taken
[props.reasonReference]ReferenceCondition or observation that supports why the medication is being/was taken
[props.note]AnnotationFurther information about the statement
[props.dosage]DosageDetails of how medication is/was taken or should be taken


medicinalProductDefinition(type, props)

Create a FHIR MedicinalProductDefinition resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness identifier for this product. Could be an MPID
[props.type]CodeableConceptRegulatory type, e.g. Investigational or Authorized
[props.domain]CodeableConceptIf this medicine applies to human or veterinary uses
[props.version]stringA business identifier relating to a specific version of the product
[props.status]CodeableConceptThe status within the lifecycle of this product record
[props.statusDate]dateTimeThe date at which the given status became applicable
[props.description]markdownGeneral description of this product
[props.combinedPharmaceuticalDoseForm]CodeableConceptThe dose form for a single part product, or combined form of a multiple part product
[props.route]CodeableConceptThe path by which the product is taken into or makes contact with the body
[props.indication]markdownDescription of indication(s) for this product, used when structured indications are not required
[props.legalStatusOfSupply]CodeableConceptThe legal status of supply of the medicinal product as classified by the regulator
[props.additionalMonitoringIndicator]CodeableConceptWhether the Medicinal Product is subject to additional monitoring for regulatory reasons
[props.specialMeasures]CodeableConceptWhether the Medicinal Product is subject to special measures for regulatory reasons
[props.pediatricUseIndicator]CodeableConceptIf authorised for use in children
[props.classification]CodeableConceptAllows the product to be classified by various systems
[props.marketingStatus]MarketingStatusMarketing status of the medicinal product, in contrast to marketing authorization
[props.packagedMedicinalProduct]CodeableConceptPackage type for the product
[props.ingredient]CodeableConceptThe ingredients of this medicinal product - when not detailed in other resources
[props.impurity]CodeableReferenceAny component of the drug product which is not the chemical entity defined as the drug substance, or an excipient in the drug product
[props.attachedDocument]ReferenceAdditional documentation about the medicinal product
[props.masterFile]ReferenceA master file for the medicinal product (e.g. Pharmacovigilance System Master File)
[]BackboneElementA product specific contact, person (in a role), or an organization
[props.clinicalTrial]ReferenceClinical trials or studies that this product is involved in
[props.code]CodingA code that this product is known by, within some formal terminology
[]BackboneElementThe product's name, including full name and possibly coded parts
[props.crossReference]BackboneElementReference to another product, e.g. for linking authorised to investigational product
[props.operation]BackboneElementA manufacturing or administrative process for the medicinal product
[props.characteristic]BackboneElementKey product features such as "sugar free", "modified release"


molecularSequence(type, props)

Create a FHIR MolecularSequence resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierUnique ID for this particular sequence. This is a FHIR-defined id
[props.coordinateSystem]integerBase number of coordinate system (0 for 0-based numbering or coordinates, inclusive start, exclusive end, 1 for 1-based numbering, inclusive start, inclusive end)
[props.patient]ReferenceWho and/or what this is about
[props.specimen]ReferenceSpecimen used for sequencing
[props.device]ReferenceThe method for sequencing
[props.performer]ReferenceWho should be responsible for test result
[props.quantity]QuantityThe number of copies of the sequence of interest. (RNASeq)
[props.referenceSeq]BackboneElementA sequence used as reference
[props.variant]BackboneElementVariant in sequence
[props.observedSeq]stringSequence that was observed
[props.quality]BackboneElementAn set of value as quality of sequence
[props.readCoverage]integerAverage number of reads representing a given nucleotide in the reconstructed sequence
[props.repository]BackboneElementExternal repository which contains detailed report related with observedSeq in this resource
[props.pointer]ReferencePointer to next atomic sequence
[props.structureVariant]BackboneElementStructural variant


nutritionOrder(type, props)

Create a FHIR NutritionOrder resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierIdentifiers assigned to this order
[props.instantiatesCanonical]canonicalInstantiates FHIR protocol or definition
[props.instantiatesUri]stringInstantiates external protocol or definition
[props.instantiates]stringInstantiates protocol or definition
[props.patient]ReferenceThe person who requires the diet, formula or nutritional supplement
[props.encounter]ReferenceThe encounter associated with this nutrition order
[props.dateTime]dateTimeDate and time the nutrition order was requested
[props.orderer]ReferenceWho ordered the diet, formula or nutritional supplement
[props.allergyIntolerance]ReferenceList of the patient's food and nutrition-related allergies and intolerances
[props.foodPreferenceModifier]CodeableConceptOrder-specific modifier about the type of food that should be given
[props.excludeFoodModifier]CodeableConceptOrder-specific modifier about the type of food that should not be given
[props.oralDiet]BackboneElementOral diet components
[props.supplement]BackboneElementSupplement components
[props.enteralFormula]BackboneElementEnteral formula components


nutritionProduct(type, props)

Create a FHIR NutritionProduct resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.category]CodeableConceptA category or class of the nutrition product (halal, kosher, gluten free, vegan, etc)
[props.code]CodeableConceptA code designating a specific type of nutritional product
[props.manufacturer]ReferenceManufacturer, representative or officially responsible for the product
[props.nutrient]BackboneElementThe product's nutritional information expressed by the nutrients
[props.ingredient]BackboneElementIngredients contained in this product
[props.knownAllergen]CodeableReferenceKnown or suspected allergens that are a part of this product
[props.productCharacteristic]BackboneElementSpecifies descriptive properties of the nutrition product
[props.instance]BackboneElementOne or several physical instances or occurrences of the nutrition product
[props.note]AnnotationComments made about the product


observation(type, props)

Create a FHIR Observation resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness Identifier for observation
[props.basedOn]ReferenceFulfills plan, proposal or order
[props.partOf]ReferencePart of referenced event
[props.category]CodeableConceptClassification of type of observation
[props.code]CodeableConceptType of observation (code / type)
[props.subject]ReferenceWho and/or what the observation is about
[props.focus]ReferenceWhat the observation is about, when it is not about the subject of record
[props.encounter]ReferenceHealthcare event during which this observation is made
[props.effective]dateTime | Period | Timing | instantClinically relevant time/time-period for observation
[props.issued]instantDate/Time this version was made available
[props.performer]ReferenceWho is responsible for the observation
[props.value]Quantity | CodeableConcept | string | boolean | integer | Range | Ratio | SampledData | time | dateTime | PeriodActual result
[props.dataAbsentReason]CodeableConceptWhy the result is missing
[props.interpretation]CodeableConceptHigh, low, normal, etc.
[props.note]AnnotationComments about the observation
[props.bodySite]CodeableConceptObserved body part
[props.method]CodeableConceptHow it was done
[props.specimen]ReferenceSpecimen used for this observation
[props.device]Reference(Measurement) Device
[props.referenceRange]BackboneElementProvides guide for interpretation
[props.hasMember]ReferenceRelated resource that belongs to the Observation group
[props.derivedFrom]ReferenceRelated measurements the observation is made from
[props.component]BackboneElementComponent results


observationDefinition(type, props)

Create a FHIR ObservationDefinition resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.category]CodeableConceptCategory of observation
[props.code]CodeableConceptType of observation (code / type)
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness identifier for this ObservationDefinition instance
[props.multipleResultsAllowed]booleanMultiple results allowed
[props.method]CodeableConceptMethod used to produce the observation
[props.preferredReportName]stringPreferred report name
[props.quantitativeDetails]BackboneElementCharacteristics of quantitative results
[props.qualifiedInterval]BackboneElementQualified range for continuous and ordinal observation results
[props.validCodedValueSet]ReferenceValue set of valid coded values for the observations conforming to this ObservationDefinition
[props.normalCodedValueSet]ReferenceValue set of normal coded values for the observations conforming to this ObservationDefinition
[props.abnormalCodedValueSet]ReferenceValue set of abnormal coded values for the observations conforming to this ObservationDefinition
[props.criticalCodedValueSet]ReferenceValue set of critical coded values for the observations conforming to this ObservationDefinition


organization(type, props)

Create a FHIR Organization resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierIdentifies this organization across multiple systems
[]booleanWhether the organization's record is still in active use
[props.type]CodeableConceptKind of organization
[]stringName used for the organization
[props.alias]stringA list of alternate names that the organization is known as, or was known as in the past
[props.telecom]ContactPointA contact detail for the organization
[props.address]AddressAn address for the organization
[props.partOf]ReferenceThe organization of which this organization forms a part
[]BackboneElementContact for the organization for a certain purpose
[props.endpoint]ReferenceTechnical endpoints providing access to services operated for the organization


organizationAffiliation(type, props)

Create a FHIR OrganizationAffiliation resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness identifiers that are specific to this role
[]booleanWhether this organization affiliation record is in active use
[props.period]PeriodThe period during which the participatingOrganization is affiliated with the primary organization
[props.organization]ReferenceOrganization where the role is available
[props.participatingOrganization]ReferenceOrganization that provides/performs the role (e.g. providing services or is a member of)
[]ReferenceHealth insurance provider network in which the participatingOrganization provides the role's services (if defined) at the indicated locations (if defined)
[props.code]CodeableConceptDefinition of the role the participatingOrganization plays
[props.specialty]CodeableConceptSpecific specialty of the participatingOrganization in the context of the role
[props.location]ReferenceThe location(s) at which the role occurs
[props.healthcareService]ReferenceHealthcare services provided through the role
[props.telecom]ContactPointContact details at the participatingOrganization relevant to this Affiliation
[props.endpoint]ReferenceTechnical endpoints providing access to services operated for this role


packagedProductDefinition(type, props)

Create a FHIR PackagedProductDefinition resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierA unique identifier for this package as whole
[]stringA name for this package. Typically as listed in a drug formulary, catalogue, inventory etc
[props.type]CodeableConceptA high level category e.g. medicinal product, raw material, shipping container etc
[props.packageFor]ReferenceThe product that this is a pack for
[props.status]CodeableConceptThe status within the lifecycle of this item. High level - not intended to duplicate details elsewhere e.g. legal status, or authorization/marketing status
[props.statusDate]dateTimeThe date at which the given status became applicable
[props.containedItemQuantity]QuantityA total of the complete count of contained items of a particular type/form, independent of sub-packaging or organization. This can be considered as the pack size
[props.description]markdownTextual description. Note that this is not the name of the package or product
[props.legalStatusOfSupply]BackboneElementThe legal status of supply of the packaged item as classified by the regulator
[props.marketingStatus]MarketingStatusAllows specifying that an item is on the market for sale, or that it is not available, and the dates and locations associated
[props.characteristic]CodeableConceptAllows the key features to be recorded, such as "hospital pack", "nurse prescribable"
[props.copackagedIndicator]booleanIf the drug product is supplied with another item such as a diluent or adjuvant
[props.manufacturer]ReferenceManufacturer of this package type (multiple means these are all possible manufacturers)
[props.package]BackboneElementA packaging item, as a container for medically related items, possibly with other packaging items within, or a packaging component, such as bottle cap


patient(type, props)

Create a FHIR Patient resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierAn identifier for this patient
[]booleanWhether this patient's record is in active use
[]HumanNameA name associated with the patient
[props.telecom]ContactPointA contact detail for the individual
[props.birthDate]dateThe date of birth for the individual
[props.deceased]boolean | dateTimeIndicates if the individual is deceased or not
[props.address]AddressAn address for the individual
[props.maritalStatus]CodeableConceptMarital (civil) status of a patient
[props.multipleBirth]boolean | integerWhether patient is part of a multiple birth
[]AttachmentImage of the patient
[]BackboneElementA contact party (e.g. guardian, partner, friend) for the patient
[props.communication]BackboneElementA language which may be used to communicate with the patient about his or her health
[props.generalPractitioner]ReferencePatient's nominated primary care provider
[props.managingOrganization]ReferenceOrganization that is the custodian of the patient record
[]BackboneElementLink to another patient resource that concerns the same actual person


paymentNotice(type, props)

Create a FHIR PaymentNotice resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness Identifier for the payment noctice
[props.request]ReferenceRequest reference
[props.response]ReferenceResponse reference
[props.created]dateTimeCreation date
[props.provider]ReferenceResponsible practitioner
[props.payment]ReferencePayment reference
[props.paymentDate]datePayment or clearing date
[props.payee]ReferenceParty being paid
[props.recipient]ReferenceParty being notified
[props.amount]MoneyMonetary amount of the payment
[props.paymentStatus]CodeableConceptIssued or cleared Status of the payment


paymentReconciliation(type, props)

Create a FHIR PaymentReconciliation resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness Identifier for a payment reconciliation
[props.period]PeriodPeriod covered
[props.created]dateTimeCreation date
[props.paymentIssuer]ReferenceParty generating payment
[props.request]ReferenceReference to requesting resource
[props.requestor]ReferenceResponsible practitioner
[props.disposition]stringDisposition message
[props.paymentDate]dateWhen payment issued
[props.paymentAmount]MoneyTotal amount of Payment
[props.paymentIdentifier]IdentifierBusiness identifier for the payment
[props.detail]BackboneElementSettlement particulars
[props.formCode]CodeableConceptPrinted form identifier
[props.processNote]BackboneElementNote concerning processing


person(type, props)

Create a FHIR Person resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierA human identifier for this person
[]HumanNameA name associated with the person
[props.telecom]ContactPointA contact detail for the person
[props.birthDate]dateThe date on which the person was born
[props.address]AddressOne or more addresses for the person
[]AttachmentImage of the person
[props.managingOrganization]ReferenceThe organization that is the custodian of the person record
[]booleanThis person's record is in active use
[]BackboneElementLink to a resource that concerns the same actual person


planDefinition(type, props)

Create a FHIR PlanDefinition resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.url]stringCanonical identifier for this plan definition, represented as a URI (globally unique)
[props.identifier]IdentifierAdditional identifier for the plan definition
[props.version]stringBusiness version of the plan definition
[]stringName for this plan definition (computer friendly)
[props.title]stringName for this plan definition (human friendly)
[props.subtitle]stringSubordinate title of the plan definition
[props.experimental]booleanFor testing purposes, not real usage
[props.subject]CodeableConcept | Reference | canonicalType of individual the plan definition is focused on
[]dateTimeDate last changed
[props.publisher]stringName of the publisher (organization or individual)
[]ContactDetailContact details for the publisher
[props.description]markdownNatural language description of the plan definition
[props.useContext]UsageContextThe context that the content is intended to support
[props.jurisdiction]CodeableConceptIntended jurisdiction for plan definition (if applicable)
[props.purpose]markdownWhy this plan definition is defined
[props.usage]stringDescribes the clinical usage of the plan
[props.copyright]markdownUse and/or publishing restrictions
[props.approvalDate]dateWhen the plan definition was approved by publisher
[props.lastReviewDate]dateWhen the plan definition was last reviewed
[props.effectivePeriod]PeriodWhen the plan definition is expected to be used
[props.topic]CodeableConceptE.g. Education, Treatment, Assessment
[]ContactDetailWho authored the content
[props.editor]ContactDetailWho edited the content
[props.reviewer]ContactDetailWho reviewed the content
[props.endorser]ContactDetailWho endorsed the content
[props.relatedArtifact]RelatedArtifactAdditional documentation, citations
[props.library]canonicalLogic used by the plan definition
[props.goal]BackboneElementWhat the plan is trying to accomplish
[props.action]BackboneElementAction defined by the plan


practitioner(type, props)

Create a FHIR Practitioner resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierAn identifier for the person as this agent
[]booleanWhether this practitioner's record is in active use
[]HumanNameThe name(s) associated with the practitioner
[props.telecom]ContactPointA contact detail for the practitioner (that apply to all roles)
[props.address]AddressAddress(es) of the practitioner that are not role specific (typically home address)
[props.birthDate]dateThe date on which the practitioner was born
[]AttachmentImage of the person
[props.qualification]BackboneElementCertification, licenses, or training pertaining to the provision of care
[props.communication]CodeableConceptA language the practitioner can use in patient communication


practitionerRole(type, props)

Create a FHIR PractitionerRole resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness Identifiers that are specific to a role/location
[]booleanWhether this practitioner role record is in active use
[props.period]PeriodThe period during which the practitioner is authorized to perform in these role(s)
[props.practitioner]ReferencePractitioner that is able to provide the defined services for the organization
[props.organization]ReferenceOrganization where the roles are available
[props.code]CodeableConceptRoles which this practitioner may perform
[props.specialty]CodeableConceptSpecific specialty of the practitioner
[props.location]ReferenceThe location(s) at which this practitioner provides care
[props.healthcareService]ReferenceThe list of healthcare services that this worker provides for this role's Organization/Location(s)
[props.telecom]ContactPointContact details that are specific to the role/location/service
[props.availableTime]BackboneElementTimes the Service Site is available
[props.notAvailable]BackboneElementNot available during this time due to provided reason
[props.availabilityExceptions]stringDescription of availability exceptions
[props.endpoint]ReferenceTechnical endpoints providing access to services operated for the practitioner with this role


procedure(type, props)

Create a FHIR Procedure resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierExternal Identifiers for this procedure
[props.instantiatesCanonical]canonicalInstantiates FHIR protocol or definition
[props.instantiatesUri]stringInstantiates external protocol or definition
[props.basedOn]ReferenceA request for this procedure
[props.partOf]ReferencePart of referenced event
[props.statusReason]CodeableConceptReason for current status
[props.category]CodeableConceptClassification of the procedure
[props.code]CodeableConceptIdentification of the procedure
[props.subject]ReferenceWho the procedure was performed on
[props.encounter]ReferenceEncounter created as part of
[props.performed]dateTime | Period | string | Age | RangeWhen the procedure was performed
[props.recorder]ReferenceWho recorded the procedure
[props.asserter]ReferencePerson who asserts this procedure
[props.performer]BackboneElementThe people who performed the procedure
[props.location]ReferenceWhere the procedure happened
[props.reasonCode]CodeableConceptCoded reason procedure performed
[props.reasonReference]ReferenceThe justification that the procedure was performed
[props.bodySite]CodeableConceptTarget body sites
[props.outcome]CodeableConceptThe result of procedure
[]ReferenceAny report resulting from the procedure
[props.complication]CodeableConceptComplication following the procedure
[props.complicationDetail]ReferenceA condition that is a result of the procedure
[props.followUp]CodeableConceptInstructions for follow up
[props.note]AnnotationAdditional information about the procedure
[props.focalDevice]BackboneElementManipulated, implanted, or removed device
[props.usedReference]ReferenceItems used during procedure
[props.usedCode]CodeableConceptCoded items used during the procedure


questionnaire(type, props)

Create a FHIR Questionnaire resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.url]stringCanonical identifier for this questionnaire, represented as a URI (globally unique)
[props.identifier]IdentifierAdditional identifier for the questionnaire
[props.version]stringBusiness version of the questionnaire
[]stringName for this questionnaire (computer friendly)
[props.title]stringName for this questionnaire (human friendly)
[props.derivedFrom]canonicalInstantiates protocol or definition
[props.experimental]booleanFor testing purposes, not real usage
[props.subjectType]stringResource that can be subject of QuestionnaireResponse
[]dateTimeDate last changed
[props.publisher]stringName of the publisher (organization or individual)
[]ContactDetailContact details for the publisher
[props.description]markdownNatural language description of the questionnaire
[props.useContext]UsageContextThe context that the content is intended to support
[props.jurisdiction]CodeableConceptIntended jurisdiction for questionnaire (if applicable)
[props.purpose]markdownWhy this questionnaire is defined
[props.copyright]markdownUse and/or publishing restrictions
[props.approvalDate]dateWhen the questionnaire was approved by publisher
[props.lastReviewDate]dateWhen the questionnaire was last reviewed
[props.effectivePeriod]PeriodWhen the questionnaire is expected to be used
[props.code]CodingConcept that represents the overall questionnaire
[props.item]BackboneElementQuestions and sections within the Questionnaire


questionnaireResponse(type, props)

Create a FHIR QuestionnaireResponse resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierUnique id for this set of answers
[props.basedOn]ReferenceRequest fulfilled by this QuestionnaireResponse
[props.partOf]ReferencePart of this action
[props.questionnaire]canonicalForm being answered
[props.subject]ReferenceThe subject of the questions
[props.encounter]ReferenceEncounter created as part of
[props.authored]dateTimeDate the answers were gathered
[]ReferencePerson who received and recorded the answers
[props.source]ReferenceThe person who answered the questions
[props.item]BackboneElementGroups and questions


regulatedAuthorization(type, props)

Create a FHIR RegulatedAuthorization resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness identifier for the authorization, typically assigned by the authorizing body
[props.subject]ReferenceThe product type, treatment, facility or activity that is being authorized
[props.type]CodeableConceptOverall type of this authorization, for example drug marketing approval, orphan drug designation
[props.description]markdownGeneral textual supporting information
[props.region]CodeableConceptThe territory in which the authorization has been granted
[props.status]CodeableConceptThe status that is authorised e.g. approved. Intermediate states can be tracked with cases and applications
[props.statusDate]dateTimeThe date at which the current status was assigned
[props.validityPeriod]PeriodThe time period in which the regulatory approval etc. is in effect, e.g. a Marketing Authorization includes the date of authorization and/or expiration date
[props.indication]CodeableReferenceCondition for which the use of the regulated product applies
[props.intendedUse]CodeableConceptThe intended use of the product, e.g. prevention, treatment
[props.basis]CodeableConceptThe legal/regulatory framework or reasons under which this authorization is granted
[props.holder]ReferenceThe organization that has been granted this authorization, by the regulator
[props.regulator]ReferenceThe regulatory authority or authorizing body granting the authorization
[]BackboneElementThe case or regulatory procedure for granting or amending a regulated authorization. Note: This area is subject to ongoing review and the workgroup is seeking implementer feedback on its use (see link at bottom of page)


relatedPerson(type, props)

Create a FHIR RelatedPerson resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierA human identifier for this person
[]booleanWhether this related person's record is in active use
[props.patient]ReferenceThe patient this person is related to
[props.relationship]CodeableConceptThe nature of the relationship
[]HumanNameA name associated with the person
[props.telecom]ContactPointA contact detail for the person
[props.birthDate]dateThe date on which the related person was born
[props.address]AddressAddress where the related person can be contacted or visited
[]AttachmentImage of the person
[props.period]PeriodPeriod of time that this relationship is considered valid
[props.communication]BackboneElementA language which may be used to communicate with about the patient's health


requestGroup(type, props)

Create a FHIR RequestGroup resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness identifier
[props.instantiatesCanonical]canonicalInstantiates FHIR protocol or definition
[props.instantiatesUri]stringInstantiates external protocol or definition
[props.basedOn]ReferenceFulfills plan, proposal, or order
[props.replaces]ReferenceRequest(s) replaced by this request
[props.groupIdentifier]IdentifierComposite request this is part of
[props.code]CodeableConceptWhat's being requested/ordered
[props.subject]ReferenceWho the request group is about
[props.encounter]ReferenceCreated as part of
[props.authoredOn]dateTimeWhen the request group was authored
[]ReferenceDevice or practitioner that authored the request group
[props.reasonCode]CodeableConceptWhy the request group is needed
[props.reasonReference]ReferenceWhy the request group is needed
[props.note]AnnotationAdditional notes about the response
[props.action]BackboneElementProposed actions, if any


researchDefinition(type, props)

Create a FHIR ResearchDefinition resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.url]stringCanonical identifier for this research definition, represented as a URI (globally unique)
[props.identifier]IdentifierAdditional identifier for the research definition
[props.version]stringBusiness version of the research definition
[]stringName for this research definition (computer friendly)
[props.title]stringName for this research definition (human friendly)
[props.shortTitle]stringTitle for use in informal contexts
[props.subtitle]stringSubordinate title of the ResearchDefinition
[props.experimental]booleanFor testing purposes, not real usage
[props.subject]CodeableConcept | ReferenceE.g. Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson, Organization, Location, Device
[]dateTimeDate last changed
[props.publisher]stringName of the publisher (organization or individual)
[]ContactDetailContact details for the publisher
[props.description]markdownNatural language description of the research definition
[props.comment]stringUsed for footnotes or explanatory notes
[props.useContext]UsageContextThe context that the content is intended to support
[props.jurisdiction]CodeableConceptIntended jurisdiction for research definition (if applicable)
[props.purpose]markdownWhy this research definition is defined
[props.usage]stringDescribes the clinical usage of the ResearchDefinition
[props.copyright]markdownUse and/or publishing restrictions
[props.approvalDate]dateWhen the research definition was approved by publisher
[props.lastReviewDate]dateWhen the research definition was last reviewed
[props.effectivePeriod]PeriodWhen the research definition is expected to be used
[props.topic]CodeableConceptThe category of the ResearchDefinition, such as Education, Treatment, Assessment, etc.
[]ContactDetailWho authored the content
[props.editor]ContactDetailWho edited the content
[props.reviewer]ContactDetailWho reviewed the content
[props.endorser]ContactDetailWho endorsed the content
[props.relatedArtifact]RelatedArtifactAdditional documentation, citations, etc.
[props.library]canonicalLogic used by the ResearchDefinition
[props.population]ReferenceWhat population?
[props.exposure]ReferenceWhat exposure?
[props.exposureAlternative]ReferenceWhat alternative exposure state?
[props.outcome]ReferenceWhat outcome?


researchElementDefinition(type, props)

Create a FHIR ResearchElementDefinition resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.url]stringCanonical identifier for this research element definition, represented as a URI (globally unique)
[props.identifier]IdentifierAdditional identifier for the research element definition
[props.version]stringBusiness version of the research element definition
[]stringName for this research element definition (computer friendly)
[props.title]stringName for this research element definition (human friendly)
[props.shortTitle]stringTitle for use in informal contexts
[props.subtitle]stringSubordinate title of the ResearchElementDefinition
[props.experimental]booleanFor testing purposes, not real usage
[props.subject]CodeableConcept | ReferenceE.g. Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson, Organization, Location, Device
[]dateTimeDate last changed
[props.publisher]stringName of the publisher (organization or individual)
[]ContactDetailContact details for the publisher
[props.description]markdownNatural language description of the research element definition
[props.comment]stringUsed for footnotes or explanatory notes
[props.useContext]UsageContextThe context that the content is intended to support
[props.jurisdiction]CodeableConceptIntended jurisdiction for research element definition (if applicable)
[props.purpose]markdownWhy this research element definition is defined
[props.usage]stringDescribes the clinical usage of the ResearchElementDefinition
[props.copyright]markdownUse and/or publishing restrictions
[props.approvalDate]dateWhen the research element definition was approved by publisher
[props.lastReviewDate]dateWhen the research element definition was last reviewed
[props.effectivePeriod]PeriodWhen the research element definition is expected to be used
[props.topic]CodeableConceptThe category of the ResearchElementDefinition, such as Education, Treatment, Assessment, etc.
[]ContactDetailWho authored the content
[props.editor]ContactDetailWho edited the content
[props.reviewer]ContactDetailWho reviewed the content
[props.endorser]ContactDetailWho endorsed the content
[props.relatedArtifact]RelatedArtifactAdditional documentation, citations, etc.
[props.library]canonicalLogic used by the ResearchElementDefinition
[props.characteristic]BackboneElementWhat defines the members of the research element


researchStudy(type, props)

Create a FHIR ResearchStudy resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness Identifier for study
[props.title]stringName for this study
[props.protocol]ReferenceSteps followed in executing study
[props.partOf]ReferencePart of larger study
[props.category]CodeableConceptClassifications for the study
[props.focus]CodeableConceptDrugs, devices, etc. under study
[props.condition]CodeableConceptCondition being studied
[]ContactDetailContact details for the study
[props.relatedArtifact]RelatedArtifactReferences and dependencies
[props.keyword]CodeableConceptUsed to search for the study
[props.location]CodeableConceptGeographic region(s) for study
[props.description]markdownWhat this is study doing
[props.enrollment]ReferenceInclusion & exclusion criteria
[props.period]PeriodWhen the study began and ended
[props.sponsor]ReferenceOrganization that initiates and is legally responsible for the study
[props.principalInvestigator]ReferenceResearcher who oversees multiple aspects of the study
[]ReferenceFacility where study activities are conducted
[props.note]AnnotationComments made about the study
[props.arm]BackboneElementDefined path through the study for a subject
[props.objective]BackboneElementA goal for the study


researchSubject(type, props)

Create a FHIR ResearchSubject resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness Identifier for research subject in a study
[props.period]PeriodStart and end of participation
[]ReferenceStudy subject is part of
[props.individual]ReferenceWho is part of study
[props.assignedArm]stringWhat path should be followed
[props.actualArm]stringWhat path was followed
[props.consent]ReferenceAgreement to participate in study


riskAssessment(type, props)

Create a FHIR RiskAssessment resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierUnique identifier for the assessment
[props.basedOn]ReferenceRequest fulfilled by this assessment
[props.parent]ReferencePart of this occurrence
[props.method]CodeableConceptEvaluation mechanism
[props.code]CodeableConceptType of assessment
[props.subject]ReferenceWho/what does assessment apply to?
[props.encounter]ReferenceWhere was assessment performed?
[props.occurrence]dateTime | PeriodWhen was assessment made?
[props.condition]ReferenceCondition assessed
[props.performer]ReferenceWho did assessment?
[props.reasonCode]CodeableConceptWhy the assessment was necessary?
[props.reasonReference]ReferenceWhy the assessment was necessary?
[props.basis]ReferenceInformation used in assessment
[props.prediction]BackboneElementOutcome predicted
[props.mitigation]stringHow to reduce risk
[props.note]AnnotationComments on the risk assessment


schedule(type, props)

Create a FHIR Schedule resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierExternal Ids for this item
[]booleanWhether this schedule is in active use
[props.serviceCategory]CodeableConceptHigh-level category
[props.serviceType]CodeableConceptSpecific service
[props.specialty]CodeableConceptType of specialty needed
[]ReferenceResource(s) that availability information is being provided for
[props.planningHorizon]PeriodPeriod of time covered by schedule
[props.comment]stringComments on availability


serviceRequest(type, props)

Create a FHIR ServiceRequest resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierIdentifiers assigned to this order
[props.instantiatesCanonical]canonicalInstantiates FHIR protocol or definition
[props.instantiatesUri]stringInstantiates external protocol or definition
[props.basedOn]ReferenceWhat request fulfills
[props.replaces]ReferenceWhat request replaces
[props.requisition]IdentifierComposite Request ID
[props.category]CodeableConceptClassification of service
[props.doNotPerform]booleanTrue if service/procedure should not be performed
[props.code]CodeableConceptWhat is being requested/ordered
[props.orderDetail]CodeableConceptAdditional order information
[props.quantity]Quantity | Ratio | RangeService amount
[props.subject]ReferenceIndividual or Entity the service is ordered for
[props.encounter]ReferenceEncounter in which the request was created
[props.occurrence]dateTime | Period | TimingWhen service should occur
[props.asNeeded]boolean | CodeableConceptPreconditions for service
[props.authoredOn]dateTimeDate request signed
[props.requester]ReferenceWho/what is requesting service
[props.performerType]CodeableConceptPerformer role
[props.performer]ReferenceRequested performer
[props.locationCode]CodeableConceptRequested location
[props.locationReference]ReferenceRequested location
[props.reasonCode]CodeableConceptExplanation/Justification for procedure or service
[props.reasonReference]ReferenceExplanation/Justification for service or service
[]ReferenceAssociated insurance coverage
[props.supportingInfo]ReferenceAdditional clinical information
[props.specimen]ReferenceProcedure Samples
[props.bodySite]CodeableConceptLocation on Body
[props.patientInstruction]stringPatient or consumer-oriented instructions
[props.relevantHistory]ReferenceRequest provenance


slot(type, props)

Create a FHIR Slot resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierExternal Ids for this item
[props.serviceCategory]CodeableConceptA broad categorization of the service that is to be performed during this appointment
[props.serviceType]CodeableConceptThe type of appointments that can be booked into this slot (ideally this would be an identifiable service - which is at a location, rather than the location itself). If provided then this overrides the value provided on the availability resource
[props.specialty]CodeableConceptThe specialty of a practitioner that would be required to perform the service requested in this appointment
[props.appointmentType]CodeableConceptThe style of appointment or patient that may be booked in the slot (not service type)
[props.schedule]ReferenceThe schedule resource that this slot defines an interval of status information
[props.start]instantDate/Time that the slot is to begin
[props.end]instantDate/Time that the slot is to conclude
[props.overbooked]booleanThis slot has already been overbooked, appointments are unlikely to be accepted for this time
[props.comment]stringComments on the slot to describe any extended information. Such as custom constraints on the slot


specimen(type, props)

Create a FHIR Specimen resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierExternal Identifier
[props.accessionIdentifier]IdentifierIdentifier assigned by the lab
[props.type]CodeableConceptKind of material that forms the specimen
[props.subject]ReferenceWhere the specimen came from. This may be from patient(s), from a location (e.g., the source of an environmental sample), or a sampling of a substance or a device
[props.receivedTime]dateTimeThe time when specimen was received for processing
[props.parent]ReferenceSpecimen from which this specimen originated
[props.request]ReferenceWhy the specimen was collected
[props.collection]BackboneElementCollection details
[props.processing]BackboneElementProcessing and processing step details
[props.container]BackboneElementDirect container of specimen (tube/slide, etc.)
[props.condition]CodeableConceptState of the specimen


specimenDefinition(type, props)

Create a FHIR SpecimenDefinition resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness identifier of a kind of specimen
[props.typeCollected]CodeableConceptKind of material to collect
[props.patientPreparation]CodeableConceptPatient preparation for collection
[props.timeAspect]stringTime aspect for collection
[props.collection]CodeableConceptSpecimen collection procedure
[props.typeTested]BackboneElementSpecimen in container intended for testing by lab


substance(type, props)

Create a FHIR Substance resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierUnique identifier
[props.category]CodeableConceptWhat class/type of substance this is
[props.code]CodeableConceptWhat substance this is
[props.description]stringTextual description of the substance, comments
[props.instance]BackboneElementIf this describes a specific package/container of the substance
[props.ingredient]BackboneElementComposition information about the substance


substanceDefinition(type, props)

Create a FHIR SubstanceDefinition resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierIdentifier by which this substance is known
[props.version]stringA business level version identifier of the substance
[props.status]CodeableConceptStatus of substance within the catalogue e.g. active, retired
[props.classification]CodeableConceptA categorization, high level e.g. polymer or nucleic acid, or food, chemical, biological, or lower e.g. polymer linear or branch chain, or type of impurity
[props.domain]CodeableConceptIf the substance applies to human or veterinary use
[props.grade]CodeableConceptThe quality standard, established benchmark, to which substance complies (e.g. USP/NF, BP)
[props.description]markdownTextual description of the substance
[props.informationSource]ReferenceSupporting literature
[props.note]AnnotationTextual comment about the substance's catalogue or registry record
[props.manufacturer]ReferenceThe entity that creates, makes, produces or fabricates the substance
[props.supplier]ReferenceAn entity that is the source for the substance. It may be different from the manufacturer
[props.moiety]BackboneElementMoiety, for structural modifications
[]BackboneElementGeneral specifications for this substance
[props.molecularWeight]BackboneElementThe molecular weight or weight range
[props.structure]BackboneElementStructural information
[props.code]BackboneElementCodes associated with the substance
[]BackboneElementNames applicable to this substance
[props.relationship]BackboneElementA link between this substance and another
[props.sourceMaterial]BackboneElementMaterial or taxonomic/anatomical source


supplyDelivery(type, props)

Create a FHIR SupplyDelivery resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierExternal identifier
[props.basedOn]ReferenceFulfills plan, proposal or order
[props.partOf]ReferencePart of referenced event
[props.patient]ReferencePatient for whom the item is supplied
[props.type]CodeableConceptCategory of dispense event
[props.suppliedItem]BackboneElementThe item that is delivered or supplied
[props.occurrence]dateTime | Period | TimingWhen event occurred
[props.destination]ReferenceWhere the Supply was sent
[props.receiver]ReferenceWho collected the Supply


supplyRequest(type, props)

Create a FHIR SupplyRequest resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness Identifier for SupplyRequest
[props.category]CodeableConceptThe kind of supply (central, non-stock, etc.)
[props.item]CodeableConcept | ReferenceMedication, Substance, or Device requested to be supplied
[props.quantity]QuantityThe requested amount of the item indicated
[props.parameter]BackboneElementOrdered item details
[props.occurrence]dateTime | Period | TimingWhen the request should be fulfilled
[props.authoredOn]dateTimeWhen the request was made
[props.requester]ReferenceIndividual making the request
[props.supplier]ReferenceWho is intended to fulfill the request
[props.reasonCode]CodeableConceptThe reason why the supply item was requested
[props.reasonReference]ReferenceThe reason why the supply item was requested
[props.deliverFrom]ReferenceThe origin of the supply
[props.deliverTo]ReferenceThe destination of the supply


task(type, props)

Create a FHIR Task resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierTask Instance Identifier
[props.instantiatesCanonical]canonicalFormal definition of task
[props.instantiatesUri]stringFormal definition of task
[props.basedOn]ReferenceRequest fulfilled by this task
[props.groupIdentifier]IdentifierRequisition or grouper id
[props.partOf]ReferenceComposite task
[props.statusReason]CodeableConceptReason for current status
[props.businessStatus]CodeableConceptE.g. "Specimen collected", "IV prepped"
[props.code]CodeableConceptTask Type
[props.description]stringHuman-readable explanation of task
[props.focus]ReferenceWhat task is acting on
[props.for]ReferenceBeneficiary of the Task
[props.encounter]ReferenceHealthcare event during which this task originated
[props.executionPeriod]PeriodStart and end time of execution
[props.authoredOn]dateTimeTask Creation Date
[props.lastModified]dateTimeTask Last Modified Date
[props.requester]ReferenceWho is asking for task to be done
[props.performerType]CodeableConceptRequested performer
[props.owner]ReferenceResponsible individual
[props.location]ReferenceWhere task occurs
[props.reasonCode]CodeableConceptWhy task is needed
[props.reasonReference]ReferenceWhy task is needed
[]ReferenceAssociated insurance coverage
[props.note]AnnotationComments made about the task
[props.relevantHistory]ReferenceKey events in history of the Task
[props.restriction]BackboneElementConstraints on fulfillment tasks
[props.input]BackboneElementInformation used to perform task
[props.output]BackboneElementInformation produced as part of task


testReport(type, props)

Create a FHIR TestReport resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierExternal identifier
[]stringInformal name of the executed TestScript
[props.testScript]ReferenceReference to the version-specific TestScript that was executed to produce this TestReport
[props.score]decimalThe final score (percentage of tests passed) resulting from the execution of the TestScript
[props.tester]stringName of the tester producing this report (Organization or individual)
[props.issued]dateTimeWhen the TestScript was executed and this TestReport was generated
[props.participant]BackboneElementA participant in the test execution, either the execution engine, a client, or a server
[props.setup]BackboneElementThe results of the series of required setup operations before the tests were executed
[props.test]BackboneElementA test executed from the test script
[props.teardown]BackboneElementThe results of running the series of required clean up steps


verificationResult(type, props)

Create a FHIR VerificationResult resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[]ReferenceA resource that was validated
[props.targetLocation]stringThe fhirpath location(s) within the resource that was validated
[props.statusDate]dateTimeWhen the validation status was updated
[props.validationProcess]CodeableConceptThe primary process by which the target is validated (edit check; value set; primary source; multiple sources; standalone; in context)
[props.frequency]TimingFrequency of revalidation
[props.lastPerformed]dateTimeThe date/time validation was last completed (including failed validations)
[props.nextScheduled]dateThe date when target is next validated, if appropriate
[props.primarySource]BackboneElementInformation about the primary source(s) involved in validation
[props.attestation]BackboneElementInformation about the entity attesting to information
[props.validator]BackboneElementInformation about the entity validating information


visionPrescription(type, props)

Create a FHIR VisionPrescription resource.

typestringThe profile id for the resource variant. Optional.
propsobjectProperties to apply to the resource (includes common and custom properties).
[props.identifier]IdentifierBusiness Identifier for vision prescription
[props.created]dateTimeResponse creation date
[props.patient]ReferenceWho prescription is for
[props.encounter]ReferenceCreated during encounter / admission / stay
[props.dateWritten]dateTimeWhen prescription was authorized
[props.prescriber]ReferenceWho authorized the vision prescription
[props.lensSpecification]BackboneElementVision lens authorization


These functions belong to the datatypes namespace.


addExtension(resource, url, value)

Add an extension to a resource (or object). An object will be created and added to an extension array on the provided resource. The extension array will be set if it does not exist on the resource. The value will be smartly written to the object, ie, valueDateTime or valueReference or valueString

resourcea FHIR resource object to add an extension too
urlstringthe URL to set for the extension
valuethe value that the extension should contain


Alias for b.concept()


coding(code, system)

Create a coding object { code, system }. Systems will be mapped using the system map.

codestringthe code value
systemstringURL to the system. Will be mapped using the system map.


composite(object, key, value)

Write a value to the target object using a typed key Ie, if key is value and the value is a date time string, this function will write valueDateTime to the object.

This function is poorly named.

objectthe object to write the composite key to
keystringthe base key to use to write the value
valuesome value to write to the object


concept(value, extra)

Create a CodeableConcept. Codings can be coding objects or [code, system, extra] tuples (such as passed to b.coding()) Systems will be mapped with the system map

valuestringthe value
extraobjectExtra properties to write to the coding

Example: <Create a codeableConcept

const myConcept = util.concept(['abc', ''])
* @example <caption><Create a codeableConcept with text</caption>
const myConcept = util.concept('smart care id', ['abc', ''])



Alias for b.extension()


extension(url, value, props)

Create an extension with a system and value Values will be typemapped (ie, value -> valueString) Optionally pass extra keys on the third argument

urlstringthe URL to set for the extension
valuethe value that the extension should contain
propsextra props to add to the extension


findExtension(obj, targetUrl, [path])

Find an extension with a given url in some array

obja fhir resource
targetUrlstringthe extension URL you want to find
[path]stringa path to extract from the resource. Optional.


Alias for b.identifier()


identifier(id, ext, [system])

Create an Identifier. Systems will be mapped against the system map. Pass extensions as extra arguments.

idA string identifier, a FHIR identifier object, or an array of either.
extAny other arguments will be treated as extensions
[system]stringthe string system to use by default if



Alias for b.reference()



Create a reference object of the form { reference } If ref is an array, each item will be mapped and an array returned. If ref is a FHIR resource, a reference to it will be generated If ref is a string, it'll be treated as a reference id and returned as an object If ref is a valid FHIR reference, it'll just be returned.

refthe thing to generate a reference from



Define a set of mapped system values.

Builder functions will use this mappings when they encounter them in system keys. Useful for setting shortcuts.

Example: Set shortcut system mappings

SmartCareID: ''
create(builders.patient({ identifier: b.identifier('xyz', 'SmartCareId') }))