fhir-4 Adaptor developer README.md
Source: https://github.com/OpenFn/adaptors/tree/main/packages/fhir-4
An OpenFn adaptor for building integration jobs for use with the fhir-4 API.
This adaptor has been auto-generated from a FHIR spec. Do not modify generated code or changes will be lost.
Build command
pnpm generate-fhir fhir-4 \
--spec https://hl7.org/fhir/R4B/definitions.json.zip \
--mappings tools/generate-fhir/tmp/mappings-fhir4.js \
--tests \
View the docs site for full technical documentation.
View the
for required and optional configuration
Clone the adaptors monorepo. Follow the "Getting Started" guide inside to get set up.
Run tests using pnpm run test
Build the adaptor using pnpm build
Re-generate the adaptor source with pnpm generate-fhir fhir-4
To update the spec an re-generate, run pnpm generate-fhir fhir-4 --respec
. You
can update the spec url with --spec <www>
or by modifying package.json