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varo Adaptor developer



The Varo adaptor works in conjunction with the Gmail adaptor. It takes proprietary data formats found in and attempts to convert them to EMS format.

Setup the primary workflow and jobs

This will demonstrate how to pull messages from a Gmail account and pass them to the Varo adaptor which will convert them into EMS format to be used for downstream consumers in the workflow.

The workflow requires some pre-configuration, namely the Gmail access_token and the OpenFn collection_token.

Token configuration

Gmail token

Use Postman to retrieve an access token. This is a short-lived token will last 60 minutes and will have to be manually retrieved. See the documentation in the Gmail adaptor readme for a guide on how to configure Postman to retrieve the access token.

OpenFn collections token

The workflow tracks the previously processed messages by storing the processed IDs in an OpenFn collection. OpenFn requires authorization to access a given collection.

  1. Access the Collections configuration in the administration area.
  2. Ensure the collection named gmail-processed-ids exists.
  3. Create a new token in the Personal Access Tokens configuration.


Place these files in the openfn/adaptors/workflows folder


"options": {
"start": "getContentsFromMessages"
"workflow": {
"steps": [
"id": "getContentsFromMessages",
"adaptors": [
"expression": "jobGmail.js",
"configuration": {
"access_token": "[redacted]"
"next": {
"convertToEms": "Array.isArray( && > 0"
"id": "convertToEms",
"adaptor": "varo",
"expression": "jobVaro.js",
"credentials": {
"collections_endpoint": "http://localhost:4000/collections",
"collections_token": "[redacted]"



This job will define message parts of interest including: metadata, data and fridgeTag. Also important is a collection of previously-processed messageIds. This job will grab ids from the gmail-processed-ids collection and pass them into the request. Once the request is complete, the new, processed messageIds are placed into the collection for future retrieval.

const contents = [
{ name: "metadata", file: /\d{12}_\d{8}T\d{6}Z\.json$/ },
{ name: "data", file: /_CURRENT_DATA_.*\.json$/ },
name: "data",
archive: /_varo_data\.zip$/,
file: /_CURRENT_DATA_.*\.json$/,
{ name: "fridgeTag", file: /\d{12}_\d{12}_\d{8}T\d{6}Z\.txt$/ },

const collectionName = "gmail-processed-ids";
const itemName = "processedIds";

collections.get(collectionName, itemName);

processedIds: $.data,

(state) => Array.isArray(state.processedIds),
collections.set(collectionName, itemName, $.processedIds)


The function convertToEms expects an array of message contents. This property contains text files in EMS-like Varo format or FridgeTag format and transforms them into EMS-structured data. Tip: This format is automatically provided by the Gmail adaptor.

Expected data structure:

metadata: {
content: '',
filename: '',
data: {
content: '',
filename: '',

fn((state) => {
return state;

Running the workflow

The -m flag tells OpenFn to use the monorepo instead of its own adaptor cache.

cd openfn/adaptors/workflows
openfn workflow.json -m

Advanced workflow operation

It's beneficial to isolate the Varo adaptor during development to avoid the redundant step of repeatedly querying Gmail which also requires refreshing the access token each hour. We can use advanced functionality of the OpenFn CLI to cache the output of the Gmail step which will enable us reuse its output while we are enhancing the Varo adaptor.

Cache Gmail adaptor output

We can configure the workflow to retrieve this message content from a local file which will bypass the need to use the Gmail adaptor to retrieve this information.

  • -m Use the monorepo.
  • --cache-steps Direct the CLI to cache the job output.
  • --only getContentsFromMessages Execute only the getContentsFromMessage step.
openfn workflow.json -m --cache-steps --only getContentsFromMessages

Running the workflow with cached Gmail adaptor output

  • -m Use the monorepo.
  • --only convertToEms Execute only the convertToEms step.
openfn workflow.json -m --only convertToEms

Enhancing/developing the Varo adaptor

These instructions will illustrate how to install OpenFn and the adaptor monorepo. The monorepo gives you access to in-development versions of the adaptors.

Recommended folder structure:

├── lightning
└── adaptors
├── adaptors
└── workflows

Install OpenFn

Prerequisite is Docker in installed, up-to-date, and running on your computer.

Clone the Lightning repository

cd openfn
git clone

Build the containers

This will build three docker containers:

  1. lightning-web
  2. postgres
  3. ws-worker
docker compose build && docker compose run --rm web mix ecto.migrate
docker compose up -d

The web application will be running on localhost port 4000.

Install the monorepo

To use the monorepo locally you'll need some prerequesite build tools installed.


asdf, nodejs, pnpm

git clone ~/.asdf

asdf plugin add nodejs
asdf plugin-add pnpm

Clone the monorepo repository

cd openfn/adaptors
git clone

Install the build tools

asdf install # Install tool versions
pnpm install
pnpm build
pnpm run setup

Switch to the working branch of the varo adaptor

cd openfn/adaptors/adaptors
git checkout nhgh-varo