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Version: v2 ⚡

All about S³

At OpenFn, we prioritize Secure, Stable, and Scalable (“S³” is our mantra) solutions—in that order. We protect your data, maintain live integrations, and grow alongside your organization. Trusted by governments and NGOs worldwide.

✓ Secure platform defaults to protect your data and minimize breaches

✓ Robust, configurable security settings to ensure compliance with your policies

✓ Build “zero-persistence” data pipelines to fully control where data is store

✓ Security implementation training & guidance for your project teams (read more)

See our main website to learn more about OpenFn Security & Trust.

OpenFn and data storage

In your digital ecosystem, OpenFn serves as a data processing and transfer solution—not as a data storage service.

As an open source Digital Public Good, OpenFn can be deployed anywhere and Workflows can be configured to adhere to your organization's specific data sharing agreements and security policies.

Consult the Manage Projects docs pages for more on project and data storage settings.

See the below diagram for an example architecture where even the cloud-hosted OpenFn platform can be configured as a “zero-persistence” data pipeline to ensure compliance with data security and residency requirements. This enables partners to rapidly configure and pilot projects using the turnkey OpenFn cloud-hosted platform, before migrating to a local deployment when they’re ready to scale.

Sample Architecture