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Version: v2 ⚡

Project Management

What is a Project?

A Project on OpenFn is a shared workspace for a team or organization that contains their Workflows, Credentials and Collaborators scoped to that project.

Managing Projects

We introduced a Projects table in v2.7.14 to help users manage their OpenFn projects in a table view. This is the new page that you'll see everytime your login to your OpenFn account. When users click Projects in the menu sidebar, you will see the list of projects where you have been granted collaborator access.

Project Table

Creating a new Project

To create a new Project, follow the following steps:

  1. Log in into your OpenFn account or navigate to projects table by clicking Projects on the breadcrumb if you're in a different project.
  2. On the projects table, click on Create project. This will open a modal for you to provide the details of the project.
  3. Enter the name and description of the new project.
  4. For users on cloud-hosted OpenFn, you'll be required to select a billing account your new project should be billed to.
For cloud hosted users on
  1. Projects in a billing account should have unique names.
  2. New projects CANNOT be on a free plan.

Create a project modal

Updating Project Information

You can access your Project's information under Settings (see app menu sidebar). Setup allows you to view or edit the project name and description.

Project Overview

You can also export your entire project "as code" - either to save it, or to edit your project locally. You can learn more about this feature on our Portability page.