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Version: v2 ⚡

Workflows API

The Workflows API allows you to programmatically create and modify Workflows.

You can use the Workflows API with the http adaptor or curl.

Version Compatibility

The Workflows API was introduced in version 2.10.10, January 2025


All requests must be Authenticated.

Authentication uses the Authorization header with a Personal Access Token (PAT) from the app.

If you're using the http adaptor, set the access_token on the credential to your PAT.

If you are using curl, add the bearer token (in the example below the token will be expanded from an env var):

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $OPENFN_PAT"<project-id>/workflows


The Workflow API has the following RESTful structure:

  • GET /api/projects/:projectId/workflows - get a list of workflows for a project. Returns an array of Workflows.
  • GET /api/projects/:projectId/workflows/:workflowId - get a single workflow by id. Returns a single Workflow.
  • PUT /api/projects/:projectId/workflows - create a new Workflow. Include workflow JSON in the body. Returns the updated Workflow JSON.
  • PUT /api/projects/:projectId/workflows/:workflowId - update a Workflow. This will replace the existing workflow with the JSON in the body. Returns the updated Workflow JSON.
  • PATCH /api/projects/:projectId/workflows/:workflowId - partially update a Workflow. The existing workflow will be updated with the JSON in the body.

Workflow Structure

A Workflow has the following structure:

"name": "My Workflow",
"id": "a414cb3b-e387-4c4f-b8de-70d51f1160da",
"project_id": "79efba60-072a-4d4f-8d6c-22dfd3852176",
"edges": [
"id": "759fe475-ed23-4914-8a6d-155968bc0aa1"
"condition_type": "always",
"enabled": true,
"source_job_id": null,
"source_trigger_id": "c79ce46c-ab0f-4f5b-bf2d-fed52aef2a41",
"target_job_id": "26304a1e-267b-4bc9-940f-171db1905885",
"jobs": [
"id": "26304a1e-267b-4bc9-940f-171db1905885",
"body": "/* job code goes here */",
"name": "my-job",
"adaptor": "@openfn/language-common@latest",
"triggers": [
"id": "c79ce46c-ab0f-4f5b-bf2d-fed52aef2a41",
"comment": null,
"custom_path": null,
"cron_expression": null,
"type": "webhook",
"enabled": true

When creating a new Workflow, the server will generate UUIDs for the workflow and all steps and edges. You can use any id string you like in the creation of new nodes and edges - so long as id usage is consistent.

When matching a PUT or PATCH request, new steps and edges MUST be assigned UUIDs. If using the http adaptor, you can use util.uuid() for this (see the example below).

You MUST ensure that any steps and triggers referenced by an edge are defined within the same workflow.

HTTP Adaptor Examples

You will need to create a credential with access_token set to your Personal Access Token (PAT) and baseUrl set to your OpenFn instance (ie, "")

Create new Workflow:

post(`/api/projects/${$.projectId}/workflows`, {
body: {
name: 'My Workflow',
edges: [
source_trigger_id: 'trigger-1',
target_job_id: 'job-1',
condition_type: 'always',
jobs: [
id: 'job-1',
name: 'My Job',
body: '/* job code goes here */',
adaptor: '@openfn/language-common@latest',
triggers: [
id: 'trigger-1',
type: 'webhook',
enabled: true,
headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },

The resulting workflow with updated UUIDs and metadata will be written to

Add a new step and edge to an existing Workflow:

fn(state => {
const jobId = util.uuid();
state.diff = {
edges: [
id: util.uuid(),
source_job_id: 'c79ce46c-ab0f-4f5b-bf2d-fed52aef2a41',
target_job_id: jobId,
condition_type: 'always',
jobs: [
id: jobId,
body: '/* job code goes here */',
adaptor: '@openfn/language-common@latest',
return state;
patch(`/api/projects/${$.projectId}/workflows/${$.workflowId}`, {
body: $.diff,
headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },

The resulting workflow will be written to