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Version: v2 ⚡


Triggers allow you to start the execution of workflows automatically. They come in two types: Cron triggers and Webhook Event triggers.

Webhook Event Triggers

Webhook Event Triggers listen for inbound HTTP requests (messages from other systems), and enable real-time, event-based automation.

These triggers are fired by "pushing" data to OpenFn (i.e., by sending an HTTP “POST” request to your trigger’s designated URL).

The triggering HTTP request might be sent via a webhook in an external app, another OpenFn workflow, or manually (i.e., via cURL request).

Webhook Trigger

To learn about how to add an additional layer of security to your Webhook Trigger by adding authentication, head over to our Webhook Security page.

Learn how a workflow's initial state gets built from a webhook trigger here.

Cron Triggers (formerly timers)

Cron Triggers run Workflows based on a cron schedule, and are good for repetitive tasks that are time-based (e.g., every day at 8am, sync financial data).

These Triggers enable users to “pull” data from connected systems. You can pick a standard schedule (e.g., every day, or every month), or define a custom schedule using cron expressions.

Cron Trigger

Help with cron expressions

The best way to learn about cron, if you're not already familiar, is through the OpenFn interface or

Cron Triggers enable Workflows to be run as frequently as once every minutes, or as infrequently as you desire and can be scheduled on very specific dates or times.

Each time a timed job succeeds, its final_state will be saved and used as the input state for its next run. Webhook Security page.

Learn how a workflow's initial state gets built from a cron trigger here.

You can use a Cursor to help build input state when the workflow is triggered: see the Job Writing Guide for more details.

Learn how state gets built from a cron trigger here.

Managing the size of state for Cron Workflows

Since state is passed between each run of a cron Workflow, if your Workflow Step adds something new to state each time it runs, it may quickly become too large to be practically handled. Imagine if a server response were adding, via array.push(...), to state.references each time the job ran. OpenFn supports up to 50,000 bytes (via Erlang's byte_size), though most final_state byte sizes are between 100 and 1000.

If the size of your final_state exceeds 10,000 bytes, OpenFn will send project collaborators a warning email. If it exceeds 50,000 bytes, your run will still succeed but its final_state will not be saved and the next time that job runs it will inherit the previous, un-updated final state. (I.e., the last state that was < 50,000 bytes.)

A quick fix for final state bloat

Most often, final state bloat is due to improper handling of state.references or This can be fixed by adding the following lines either to the callback of your language-package's operation (if it allows for one) or by appending an fn(...) operation after your operation.

fn(state => {
state.custom = somethingIntentional; = {};
state.references = [];
return state;