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Version: v2 ⚡

Webhook Security

This page guides you through the steps of adding an additional layer of security to your webhook.

Adding a Webhook Authentication Method

In your OpenFn projects, you can utilize webhooks to receive data from external applications using a Webhook Trigger. When using a webhook, you can require external applications to authenticate before sending your project data for more security.

OpenFn supports Basic HTTP Authentication using username and password, and API Key Authentication using the x-api-key request header.

Adding Authentication Via Project Settings

You can add a new Authentication Method under Webhook Security of your Project Settings. The authentication you set up here can then be used in any of your Workflows within this Project.

Project Settings Webhook Security

After clicking New auth method, choose the type - Basic HTTP or API Key Authentication.

New Auth Method

Basic Auth

For Basic Auth, give it a name, choose a username and password, and hit Create Auth Method.

Basic Auth


For API Key, just choose a name, and click Create Auth Method. An API key is generated for you.

API auth

You can edit or delete your auth methods on this page as well.

// screenshot

Once you added an auth method to a webhook, it will show up under Linked Triggers.

Linked Triggers

Linked Triggers

Adding Authentication Via a Workflow

On your Workflows you can use the auth methods you created under Project Settings, or you can create a new one.

When you click on Add authentication under Webhook Authentication, select a (or multiple) existing method(s), or hit Create a new webhook auth method. Refer to the Basic Auth and API Key sections above for details on adding these.

Once you've added an auth method, it will show up in your Webhook Trigger configuration.

Linked Triggers

Only requests using these required auth details will be able to send data to your Workflow.